4 Ways to Calm the Mind

4 Ways to Calm the Mind
4 Ways to Calm the Mind

Table of contents:


Are you feeling stressed or unhappy? Do you want to calm yourself down? It's not hard to practice calming your mind, and it can help you feel better and ready at any time. When you find a way that works, do it and practice it often. Here are some ideas to try so that you can feel calm or relaxed more quickly and easily.


Method 1 of 4: Calming with Meditation

Relax Your Mind Step 1
Relax Your Mind Step 1

Step 1. Do deep breathing exercises

While this idea may sound cliché, practicing deep breathing has a very good effect on calming your mind. Practice daily and do it during times of stress to help calm your anxiety.

  • Close your mouth and take one deep breath through your nose. Try counting the time you inhale this air so that it lasts for four seconds. Hold your breath for seven seconds, then exhale for eight seconds. Repeat up to four times.
  • If you later have trouble with this "slowing down" breath, start with a count that's not too long, and work your way up until you can hold on longer.
  • You can set the time for inhalation and exhalation yourself, but make sure the time when you exhale is twice the time you inhale.
Relax Your Mind Step 2
Relax Your Mind Step 2

Step 2. Practice meditation

This meditation is the process of emptying your mind by focusing on a specific thing, place, sentence, color, etc. Start by sitting (kneeling or lying down) in a comfortable position and focusing (or praying) on something specific. It may take you more than ten minutes to completely clear your mind, but that's normal.

  • You can sit or lie down during meditation, but always try to close your eyes to help you focus mentally/spiritually.
  • If you feel restless when you meditate, that's normal. As best you can, try to ignore it, refocus (or pray) on something specific.
  • Use guided imagination to help clear your mind. Imagine a place, real or fictional, where you feel calm and at peace in that place. Focus on this place, including how the details look and how you feel in them.
  • Meditate for as long as you like, but resting for at least ten minutes when you've managed to clear your mind can prove to be helpful for focusing and reducing stress.
  • Playing music, calm melodies, or positive song lyrics (such as: "I just feel like something good is about to happen. I just feel like something good is on its way…") can help you focus better on meditation You. Always do whatever you feel is necessary to make you more comfortable.
  • Meditation has been shown to have health benefits beyond relaxing the mind, including lowering blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar.
Relax Your Mind Step 3
Relax Your Mind Step 3

Step 3. Try to visualize

Much the same as guided imagination in meditation, where you imagine a peaceful atmosphere. Imagine that scene in your mind for as long as you like, but focus all your thoughts and energy on visualizing this place in your mind.

Relax Your Mind Step 4
Relax Your Mind Step 4

Step 4. Do progressive muscle relaxation

This process is done by first tensing and then relaxing all the muscles in your body. Relaxing muscles after tensing them changes your psychic state, and helps your mind and body feel calm.

  • Start by tensing the muscles in your face one at a time. Examples include frowning, furrowing your brows, frowning, and clenching your jaw. Then allow each muscle was to relax.
  • When you're done with the face, work your way down the body until it's evenly distributed over all the muscles in your body.
  • When tensing muscles, hold 5-10 seconds for each muscle, before relaxing it.

Method 2 of 4: Soothing with Changes in Health

Relax Your Mind Step 5
Relax Your Mind Step 5

Step 1. Practice yoga

Yoga is a low-risk, low-risk type of stretching exercise that helps relax the muscles in your body. Since you have to focus on each yoga position, there will be no room to contemplate the causes of stress and 'force' your mind into calm.

  • It would be better if you start yoga by attending one of the classes. Yoga classes are set up to create a calm environment, although there may be a large number of people present. Find a local instructor or yoga class at a nearby gym.
  • Hatha yoga is the most basic type of yoga and is great for relaxation. Look for hatha yoga positions that you can try yourself at home.
  • Avoid yoga if you have a physical problem such as a hernia, osteoporosis, or if you are at risk for tingling.
Relax Your Mind Step 6
Relax Your Mind Step 6

Step 2. Drink plenty of water

Water is important for maintaining your body's fluid needs and clearing toxins, which helps your mind to focus better. To help with other relaxation exercises, drink plenty of water.

Relax Your Mind Step 7
Relax Your Mind Step 7

Step 3. Eat foods that promote relaxation

Certain foods help lower the hormones associated with causing anxiety, and simultaneously increase the hormones that function to produce "feelings of happiness and calm."

  • Foods high in selenium help reduce anxiety and depression, such as nuts (especially Brazil nuts), shitake mushrooms, tuna, fish oil, or salmon.
  • Eat foods that are high in iron, such as spinach, pumpkin seeds, and halibut.
  • Look for foods with high levels of tryptophan because it can help produce serotonin which increases "feel good". Try dark chocolate, beans, and red meat.
Relax Your Mind Step 8
Relax Your Mind Step 8

Step 4. Exercise moderately

Exercise is useful for releasing endorphins, which can produce a "feel good". Try doing a little exercise every day to help calm your mind after dealing with a hectic and stressful schedule.

  • Exercise in a quiet place that allows you to be alone. If you're working out at the gym, find a quiet area or room where you're not distracted by thoughts or things around you.
  • Try to follow an exercise routine that doesn't preoccupy you. For example, swimming or running.
Relax Your Mind Step 9
Relax Your Mind Step 9

Step 5. Participate in your favorite activities

If you love to cook, read, or exercise, go for it! Doing something you enjoy helps you to clear anxiety in your mind, and at the same time releases more endorphins that make you feel happy.

Relax Your Mind Step 10
Relax Your Mind Step 10

Step 6. Drink a warm drink

Hot drinks help lower blood pressure and reduce stress. Look for hot drinks that contain less caffeine and alcohol, as they can increase anxiety and depression.

  • Green tea contains certain natural substances that are associated with reducing stress levels. Drink it hot or cold to get a sense of calm.
  • Try drinking warm milk. This classic before bedtime drink can calm your troubled mind because of the high levels of tryptophan, which is useful for producing more serotonin in the brain. You can add honey for variety.
  • If you choose to drink coffee to help you relax, look for decaffeinated coffee so it doesn't stimulate hyperactivity.
  • Avoid drinking anything with too much sugar, as it can stimulate the brain and make relaxation more difficult.

Method 3 of 4: Calming with Activity

Relax Your Mind Step 11
Relax Your Mind Step 11

Step 1. Fill your activities with routine activities that do not occupy your mind

Doing an activity without needing you to focus can help calm your mind.

  • Try drawing any picture or drawing an abstract picture. You will be "forced" to focus on painting, so you don't think about the causes of stress in your life.
  • Doing household chores (with repetitive motions) can affect relaxation. Try cutting leaves, sweeping the floor, or folding clothes.
  • If you can, you can also do activities like making necklaces or knitting.
  • Avoid activities that require a lot of movement or are tedious, as they can increase stress.
Relax Your Mind Step 12
Relax Your Mind Step 12

Step 2. Listen to relaxing music

While you may like rock, hardcore or rap music, look for a softer/quiet, calm beat to help calm your mind.

  • Avoid music with heavy/powerful instruments or with loud vocals, as this will make it difficult for you to calm down while listening to it. Sometimes, it's better to listen to music without vocals.
  • Apart from music, you can also listen to nature sounds and 'white noise' which are designed to help people relax. Look for “ocean or forest sounds”, or find examples of 'white noise' for you to try.
  • 'Binaural beats' are a special type of music or sound that produces higher levels of alpha waves in your brain, helping you to calm down. Look for free versions of binaural beats online or through your favorite music streaming site.
  • Try listening to music with frequent repetitions in it and not too many vocals. Many types of music like this such as house, trance, trap, and trip-hop.
  • Classical music can always be an option. Some classical music may sound intense, especially symphonies made in the 20th century such as Shostakovitch. Meanwhile, to relax, we recommend listening to the beat of a single instrument or smaller musical ensembles such as music from the Baroque and Classical periods (eg Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi).
Relax Your Mind Step 13
Relax Your Mind Step 13

Step 3. Spend time with the animals

Research shows that people who spend time with pets or touch animals can lower their blood pressure and have significantly less stress than people who rarely come into contact with animals.

  • If you don't have a pet, consider taking your best friend's dog for a walk, or playing with the neighbor's cat. A little time for animals in a day can go a long way.
  • Try psychotherapy with animals. This type of therapy can help reduce stress and anxiety by using animals. Horses are often used, but dogs and cats are also popular choices.
Relax Your Mind Step 14
Relax Your Mind Step 14

Step 4. Try aromatherapy

This method is to use a gentle fragrance to help you calm down. Popular examples of aromatherapy are lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus.

  • You can buy aromatherapy oils to apply directly to the body. Apply a small amount around the temples, on the arms and elbows. These are the warmer areas of your body, so they will be able to spread the scent faster.
  • Aromatherapy oils or home perfumes can be used to make your bedroom your personal place of relaxation.
Relax Your Mind Step 15
Relax Your Mind Step 15

Step 5. Soak in a bath or pool

Warm water can help release endorphins to reduce stress, take a warm bath for twenty minutes.

Method 4 of 4: Avoiding the Causes of Stress

Relax Your Mind Step 16
Relax Your Mind Step 16

Step 1. Keep yourself away from social media

A big cause of stress is social media, whether it's a cell phone or a Facebook account. Try to make time apart from social media to reduce your anxiety.

  • Turn off your phone or leave it in your car for a while, so you're not tempted to want to check your phone every minute.
  • Close the laptop and turn off the computer so you are not tempted to open your social media accounts.
  • If social media is the biggest stressor in your life, consider closing your account completely for a period of time. Shut down your online social media accounts for a few weeks or months until you feel like social media is no longer a problem for you.
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Relax Your Mind Step 17

Step 2. Don't watch television

TV is full of bright colors, full of pictures and sounds that can increase stress.

Relax Your Mind Step 18
Relax Your Mind Step 18

Step 3. Take some time alone

Often the people around us are the cause of our anxiety/stress, so that can be an excuse to spend time with just you.

  • Find time outside of work to rest and be alone. Try taking the weekends to a nearby town or a scenic spot where you can have some time to think.
  • Cancel plans with friends if you are too overwhelmed with a busy schedule. It is important to take some time for yourself before sharing with others.
  • Find time to "get away" from family. No matter how much you love them, everyone needs a little time away from their family in order to maintain a healthy mind.
Relax Your Mind Step 19
Relax Your Mind Step 19

Step 4. Avoid known stressors

If you find out that an upcoming test or meeting is causing your stress, try spending some time away from it to prevent additional anxiety/stress.

  • Set firm time limits if you intend to “deal” with the cause of your stress, if it is work or school related. Promise yourself that you'll only work until 8pm, after which time free yourself from the nagging stress.
  • If some person or activity is affecting your anxiety, avoid it a little bit/temporarily. Take some time to think about why this is bothering you so much, and try to find a solution.


  • Close your eyes and listen to your breath. Make sure you are in a quiet place. Feel the air rush to your head and exhale slowly.
  • Sit in the sun, even if you're indoors. The warmth and sunshine will help lift your mood.
  • Lie in the open area outside at night, and look up at the sky and the stars above.
  • Lie on the floor, on a couch or reclining bed, and breathe out slowly, listening to soft music or in a quiet room. Think about the good times and smile.
  • Light a candle, turn off the lights then relax when there are no more distractions.
  • Try a light comedy-humor. Your favorite funny movie can help lift your mood and distract you; may even be able to give you advice on something.
  • Eat good food, cycle & make someone feel special every day.
  • Write about something, any type of writing, where you feel most comfortable. Or write down whatever comes to your mind. Having a diary can be very relaxing.
