Mathematicians say that numbers are the language of the universe. Numerologists go even further by saying that the numbers in your life can define who you are and what you do. With a few simple calculations, you can find the five core numbers that describe your life.
Method 1 of 6: Finding the Life Path Number

Step 1. Know the importance of this number
The Life Path Number is considered the most important of your core numbers. This number represents a potential description of your life, the path you will take in your life and the issues that will shape it. These numbers reveal the life lessons you will learn, the challenges you will face and the opportunities you will accept as an overview. You always have the option of deviating from the lessons these numbers reveal, but in numerology, following the Life Path Numbers is believed to be the most satisfying choice.
- Every positive trait associated with this number will manifest itself as unique skills and capacities that help you in all aspects of life.
- The negative traits associated with each number indicate personal flaws, or rather, indicate aspects inside and outside of your life that need attention to find balance.

Step 2. Calculate the Life Path Number
In short, you need to add up each digit of the date of birth until you get one number. However, this method is very specific. In this case, we will use the example of a birth date of December 17, 1986. (Note: for more information on each number you count, see the bottom of the page).
Reduce the date, month and year to one digit. Some numbers need more trimming. If this happens, repeat this technique until you get to a single digit or reach the Master Number.
- Month: 12=1+2=3
- Day: 17=1+7=8
- Year: 1986=1+9+8+6=24=2+4=6
- Then take the resulting three single digits, or Master Number, and add them up: 3+8+6=17=1+7=8.
- So, for the date of birth December 17, 1986, you get Life Path Number 8.

Step 3. Calculate the Master Number
Because they have multiple meanings, often in terms of power and ambitious goals, the numbers 11, 22 and 33 are considered the Master Numbers. When calculations are performed in numerology, as a general rule November (11) and the 11th and 22nd day of each month, are reduced to 2, 2, and 4. However, exceptions apply for Life Path Number and Birth Day, respectively..
For example, if we use the example above November 17, 1986, the initial shrinkage would result in: 11+8+6=25=2+5=7 provide Life Path Number 7.

Step 4. Notice that we are not adding all the dates at once, for example 1+2+1+7+1+9+8+6
On the other hand, months, days, and years are reduced separately first, and then added up. These are symbolic in nature and relate to “Period Cycles”, which divide your life into three parts; growth, thematic significance, and challenges.
Method 2 of 6: Finding the Expression Number

Step 1. Discover innate talents and imperfections
The Expression Number, also known as the Destiny Number, highlights the personal talents and imperfections that this world brings. While the Life Path Number reveals the path you will walk, the Expression Number reveals the nuance and character of your trail. From a reincarnation perspective, Life Path Numbers are considered similar to the lessons you have to learn in this life. In this connection, the Expression Number reflects your inner self, including personal history from past lives, brought to Earth with your birth. The name is used because it represents your innate character and what is passed on to you at birth.

Step 2. Add up the letter values in the full names given at birth using the following table
Just like calculating the Life Path Number, we reduce the numeric value of each name separately before combining the results. This act respects the individual characteristics of the different aspects of your name (and self) before revealing the combined meaning of the name.
Step 1. | Step 2. | Step 3. | Step 4. | Step 5. | Step 6. | Step 7. | Step 8. | Step 9. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Step 3. Let's learn by example
For example, we take the name of Robert Nesta Marley.
- ROBERT = 9+6+2+5+9+2=33=3+3=6
- NESTA = 5+5+1+2+1=14=1+4=5
- MARLEY = 4+1+9+3+5+7=29=2+9=11
Finally, by adding up all the numbers we get 6+5+11=22.
Since we ended up with a Master Number, there's no need to reduce it further. So Bob Marley has Expression Number 22.
Method 3 of 6: Finding the Heart's Wish Number

Step 1. Know your Heart's Desire Number
For thousands of years, many cultures have used the singing of vocal sounds to induce a trance state and rise to higher levels of consciousness. Therefore, we can say that getting in touch with your own vocals will lead you to a bigger goal. In this way, the Heart's Desire Number (also known as the Soul's Urge Number or Motivation Number) can help you better understand what really motivates your inner self. This number answers the question: “What is the meaning of my deepest purpose?” It has to do with what your goals are in life and what you want to have and achieve. The relationships you build well and the ones you avoid can also be revealed in this core number.

Step 2. Count Your Heart's Desire Number
Add up the numerical values of the vowels in your full name (given at birth). Using the same example ROBERT NESTA MARLEY, we get the letters O, E, E, A, A, and E. Referring to the table above, the letters give the following equation:
- O+E = 6+5=11=1+1=2
- E+A = 5+1=6
- A+E = 1+5=6
- 2+6+6=14=1+4=5
Method 4 of 6: Finding the Personality Number

Step 1. Learn how you interact with the world
If vowels tell us what our inner truth is, perhaps consonants convey what is seen on the outside. In the study of numerology, this is assumed to be true. A person's Personality Number reveals the parts of himself that are easiest to show others. This number reveals how to filter out the people and experiences you want to get rid of from your life through your external behavior.
This number goes beyond your own capacity and also describes what others see in you in brief encounters. This shows the main personality features that others see effortlessly

Step 2. Calculate the Personality Number using the consonants in your full name
Follow the same pattern as above using only consonants to calculate your number. If we go back to ROBERT NESTA MARLEY's example, we get the letters R, B, R, T, N, S, T, M, R, L, Y. Note that we consider Y to be a consonant, not a vowel in this case. In numerology Y is always considered a consonant if it is next to a vowel that forms the same syllable. So, in this example, Y works to produce the sound “ii”.
- R+B+R+T = 9+2+9+2=22=2+2=4
- N+S+T = 5+1+2=8
- M+R+L+Y = 4+9+3+7=23=2+3=5
- 4+8+5=17=1+7=8
Method 5 of 6: Birthday Number

Step 1. Learn the meaning of your birthday
Although the Birth Day Number's influence is not as strong as the other four numbers, it is still part of the core number. The Birthday number indicates a special talent or talent that will help in your life journey. In many areas of New Age knowledge and practice such as Numerology, it is not uncommon to find people who believe that we choose when we are born, or that we are destined to have a specific birth date. Therefore, the Birth Date Number has a special meaning, which explains what unique talents we will carry.

Step 2. Determine Your Birth Date Number
For this, no calculations are required and just use your date of birth. In this case, no reduction is required. So, if you were born on the 13th, 23rd, or 31st, that number will be your Birth Date Number.
Method 6 of 6: Summing up the Basic Characteristics for Each Number

Step 1. Understand the basic aspects of each number
Below is a list of characteristics, good or bad, associated with each number. For more information, do an internet search for your number. (Note: 11, 22, and 33 are “Parent Numbers.” Characteristic 11 is similar to 2, but more powerful; the same applies to 22 and 4, as well as 33 and 6.)
- Step 1.: Leadership, individuality, aggression, self-confidence, originality, impatience.
- Step 2.: Balance, partnership, acceptance, collaboration, diplomacy, patience.
- Step 3.: Self-expression, innovation, creativity, communication, activity.
- Step 4.: Stability, reliability, discipline, dedication, excessive caution, stubbornness.
- Step 5.: Progressive, pioneering, innovation, adventure, rebellion, opportunist.
- Step 6.: Harmony, compassion, service, nurturing, self-justification, chronic anxiety.
- Step 7.: Intelligence, intuition, spirituality, analytical, solitary, secretive.
- Step 8.: Ambition, organization, practicality, success, selfish, materialistic.
- Step 9.: Generosity, passion, altruistic, resourceful, selfish, fragile.
- Step 11.: Visionary, idealistic, teacher, sensitive, perfectionist, keeping a distance.
- Step 22.: Development leader (master builder), honest, practical, peaceful, extreme, manipulative.
- Step 33.: Great teacher (master teacher), knowledgeable, loving, selfish, likes to preach.