Juggling is an ancient performing art that dates back four thousand years. Easy juggling can seem impossible, but with practice and practice, you can do it too! The key is to perfect your throw and practice regularly so you can catch and throw the ball comfortably.
Part 1 of 2: Learning the Basics

Step 1. Prepare 3 balls of the same size
Using balls of the same size and weight will make juggling easier for beginners. Look for a ball that doesn't bounce too much, as you might drop it on the floor at first.
Tennis balls are suitable for practice

Step 2. Hold 2 balls with your dominant hand and 1 ball with your other hand
Holding 2 balls in your dominant hand will make it easier for you to get started. As you practice and improve your fluency, you will be able to use both hands.

Step 3. Stand with your elbows bent at 90 degrees and palms facing up
Look straight ahead. Don't look down when you're juggling.

Step 4. Gently toss one pair of balls into the air
You need to throw it at eye level. As you become more proficient, you can throw it higher. Throw it at a slight angle so that it falls towards your other hand and is easier to catch.

Step 5. Throw the ball in the other hand straight into the air
Right after you throw the first ball, try tossing the ball in the other hand into the air. Try throwing with the same force as the first throw. Throw it at a slight angle so that it falls towards your other hand.

Step 6. Throw the last ball remaining in your dominant hand into the air
Throw in the same way you threw the first 2 balls, and do so as soon as you throw the second ball. After you have thrown the last ball, there should be a time when all three balls are in the air.

Step 7. Catch the balls in the order they were thrown
You need to catch the first ball first, then the second ball tossed, and the last ball tossed. Each ball will land in the hand that did not throw it. If your left hand has 2 balls when you start, both balls will be in your right hand.
With practice, you will be able to throw the ball faster
Part 2 of 2: Improving Juggling Skills

Step 1. Practice throwing 1 ball back and forth with your hands
Practice with one ball to perfect the throwing motion needed for juggling 3 balls. Practice throwing the ball so that it goes sideways, reaches the top of your head, and falls into your other hand. When the ball lands in your hand, move your hand up in the air to throw the ball back into the other hand.
Continue until you can toss the ball back and forth with both hands without dropping it and without looking at your hands

Step 2. Try juggling with 2 balls
Once you're good at throwing with one ball, try adding a second ball. Hold a ball in each hand. Then, throw 1 ball in the air at a slight angle so that it reaches the top overhead. When the first ball is at the top, throw the second ball in the same motion. Catch your first ball, then your second ball so that both balls are now in the non-throwing hand.

Step 3. Try different variations of juggling as you get better at it
Once you've mastered the 3-ball juggling technique, include variations to take your skills to the next level. Try juggling something other than a ball, such as a bottle or ring. You can even add a fourth object and try juggling more than 3 objects. If you have a friend who also likes juggling, practice passing objects back and forth with them, while you stand next to each other.
A popular variation of 3-ball juggling that's worth trying is the cascade. Instead of throwing all three balls in quick succession, you toss 2 balls and wait until you catch one, before throwing a third ball. Each time one ball hits the top on the head, throw a new ball. There can only be 2 balls in the air at a time

Step 4. Practice juggling every day
Don't be discouraged if you can't juggle three balls right away. Learning how to juggle does take time! Keep practicing every day and you will eventually become good at it. If necessary, start with one ball. Then, add second and third balls as your skills improve.