Are you tired of leveling up your Pokémon the old fashioned way? Rare Candy is a rare item used to level up a Pokémon. You can get some Rare Candy along the way, but if you want to strengthen your team, feel free to use the cheat options in the Visualboy Advance emulator to get unlimited Rare Candy.

Step 1. Start the Pokémon LeafGreen game on the Visualboy Advance emulator
Using an emulator is the easiest way to use cheats in Pokémon LeafGreen. You'll need to buy Gameshark or Action Replay if you want to use cheats on the original Game Boy.

Step 2. Clear the first box on your character's PC
This Rare Candy code will replace the first slot in your PC's item storage with 999 Rare Candy. If there are items in the first slot, they will be deleted when you enter the code.

Step 3. Understand that using Gameshark or Action Replay codes can mess up your game
This code is user generated, and interacts with the game in a way not intended for use in the game. This means that it will work for some people but not all. Using this code means you are willing to risk losing all your saved games because no code is guaranteed to be 100% successful.

Step 4. Click the Cheats menu and select “Cheat list”
The “Cheat list” window will open.

Step 5. Click the button
Gameshark…. You will be able to enter Gameshark and Action Replay codes.
Note: The code provided in this article is not 100% guaranteed to work. You can find more codes on the and sites

Step 6. Enter the Rare Candy code
Enter "Rare Candy" into the description, and copy the following code into the Code box.
82025840 0044

Step 7. Click
OK to save and activate the Rare Candy code.
You may need to enter and exit buildings to activate the effect.

Step 8. Open PC to retrieve your Rare Candy
The Rare Candy should be in the first slot in the storage bin. The number available will look like a “?”, but you should be able to pick up as many Rare Candy as you can carry.

Step 9. If it doesn't work, try another code
This code may not work for everyone. So, if you get no results, try an alternative code set. This alternative option requires two codes: a Master code and a Rare Candy code. Make this code in a way to make the previous code. Make sure the previous code is disabled by unchecking it in the Cheats list. Master Code
8D671FD9 6F6BEFF2
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Candy Rare Code
06AB3172 BE88C550