This wikiHow teaches you how to send lives to other people in the game Candy Crush Saga. In order to send a life to someone, he or she must first ask you for a life. Keep in mind, the person may have to send you the request several times before you accept it, and the life request itself may not appear in your inbox for a while.
Method 1 of 3: Sending Lives on Mobile Perangkat

Step 1. Run Candy Crush
Do this by touching the Candy Crush icon.

Step 2. Tap Play in the middle of the page
Usually, this action will unlock the last level you played.
- If you haven't signed into Candy Crush using your Facebook profile, tap the Facebook logo Played before?, select a login method (login), select your Facebook account (or type in your login details), then follow the on-screen instructions.
- If the map view appears after you touch Play, skip the next two steps.

Step 3. Touch "Settings"
It's a gear-shaped icon in the lower-left corner. A pop-out menu will open.

Step 4. Touch "Back"
The red button with the white door is at the bottom of the pop-out menu. The Candy Crush map view will reappear.

Step 5. Touch the “Messages” icon
It's an envelope-like icon in the top-right corner. Doing so will open the message inbox.

Step 6. Select the desired friend
Do this by checking the box next to the friend's name.

Step 7. Tap Accept located in the bottom right corner
By doing so, one life will be sent to your friend.

Step 8. Make sure the friend accepts the life you sent
He can do this by running Candy Crush, tapping the "Message" icon, checking the box next to your "You got a gift!" message, then tapping Accept.
Method 2 of 3: Sending Lives on a Desktop Computer

Step 1. Visit the Candy Crush Saga page
This is the official Facebook game page for Candy Crush Saga.
If you're not logged into Facebook, type in your email address and password when prompted

Step 2. Click Play Now
It's a blue button to the right of the page. The game Candy Crush Saga will start loading.

Step 3. Wait for Candy Crush Saga to load
The process can take a few minutes in most browsers.

Step 4. Click the “Messages” icon
It's an envelope-like icon in the top-right corner. Doing so will open your Candy Crush inbox.

Step 5. Select the desired friend
Click the checkbox to the left of the friend's name.

Step 6. Click Accept
It's at the bottom of the Candy Crush window.

Step 7. Click Send Request when prompted
By doing so, one life will be sent to the chosen friend..

Step 8. Make sure the friend accepts the life you sent
He can do this by opening Candy Crush, clicking the "Message" icon, checking the box next to your "You got a gift!" message, then clicking Accept.
Method 3 of 3: Asking for Lives

Step 1. Run Candy Crush
Tap the Candy Crush icon (on a mobile device) or visit the Candy Crush page (on a desktop computer).
If you're not logged into Candy Crush using Facebook yet, log in before you continue

Step 2. Select Play (mobile device) or Play Now (desktop computer).
Candy Crush will start loading.

Step 3. Select the “Lives” icon
Touch or click the heart-shaped " Lives " icon at the top of the page.
On mobile devices, first log out to enter the map view for this option to appear

Step 4. Select Ask friends at the bottom right of the menu
Doing so will display your friends list.

Step 5. Select the desired friend
Touch the name of each friend you want to ask for a life.
You can also type the name of the friend you want in the text box at the top of the list

Step 6. Select Send which is at the bottom of the friends list
Your request will be sent to the friend you have selected.