How to Get All Endings in Mad Father: 7 Steps

How to Get All Endings in Mad Father: 7 Steps
How to Get All Endings in Mad Father: 7 Steps

Table of contents:


Mad Father is a video game created by Sen using the World RPG Editor program. This horror-puzzle game tells the story of a young German girl named Aya Drevis who lives in a big house with her father. Her adventure begins when one night Aya wakes up and finds her house infested with the undead and evil creatures. Aya must save and know her father's terrible secret and expel evil creatures from their home. Warning: this article will be full of spoilers.


Part 1 of 3: Getting The First Bad End

Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 1
Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 1

Step 1. Select “Grant Mom's wish

After going through a spooky adventure in that cursed mansion, at the end of the game you will be given two choices. The end obtained changes depending on the choices made.

Choose between “Grant Mom's wish and let her take Father away” or “Use ogre's magic water to save Father.” The first choice caused Father to be taken away

Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 2
Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 2

Step 2. Watch the scene

The bad ending scene will show Aya alone in the room. Head north until you meet Maria who is still shaken. Aya would say that her father had left them.

  • In the next scene, Aya and Maria are at church, praying for their parents. However, just as Aya was about to invite Maria to stay with her, the assistant suddenly stood up and ran towards the young girl. A scream was then heard in the darkness.
  • At the end of this, it is explained that Maria lost her sanity after her father disappeared. A later picture shows Aya lying on the operating table with a pool of blood underneath while Maria stands nearby. It is said that Maria will continue the research from the father.

Part 2 of 3: Getting The Second Bad End

Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 3
Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 3

Step 1. Don't help Maria

Remember, you don't have to help Maria during the game. The game will continue even after leaving the Hidden Hall. Then, if you receive the door key from Maria, don't use it. Continue to carry the key until it is near the end of the game.

Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 4
Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 4

Step 2. Save the father

Play the game as usual and solve the puzzles. As you approach the end of the game, two options will be given to determine which ending to get.

  • Complete collection of gems (gems) will not affect the end of the game.
  • Choose the second option (save the dad) to get the second bad ending.
  • Spoiler! Aya's mother gets shocked by her son's decision, and steps away. A bright light then appeared and Aya's mother disappeared.
  • In the next picture, they are back in a room and Dad is near them. Later, it was revealed that Aya's father was having an affair.
  • Aya's mother possesses the young girl to reveal the true story, what Father is really researching, and how Aya's mother died.
  • It is said that the father researched how to turn the human body into a doll, so that his son's beauty could last forever.
  • The Doctor kills Aya's mother when she tries to stop the experiment. Aya's mother was stabbed many times in the chest until she died.
  • Maria was really shocked to see what happened. He was concerned about Aya's mother, but for fear of being killed, Maria followed her father's wishes. Together they disposed of the mother's body and the father lied to Aya and said his mother died of illness.
Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 5
Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 5

Step 3. Run fast

Once the scene is complete, save your game. Next the Doctor will chase Aya with a chainsaw. He is determined to kill Aya and turn her into a doll, just like her mother.

  • the father will slowly approach you. Press and hold Z as fast as you can to break the door and run!
  • Do not stop. Run through the corridor. At the last part of the corridor, run downstairs and wait for Dad to come closer.
  • Once Dad is still, pull the lever and run past him towards the north.
  • When you enter a room, Maria will be there. Next a scene will play.
  • The Doctor will reveal his true face. He attacks Maria with a chainsaw to death. Aya approached the lying Maria and realized that Maria was still alive.
  • Options will then be given. The choice made will determine the end obtained.
  • If you die a few times, it's only natural because the difficulty level of the game is quite high.

Part 3 of 3: Decide to Help Maria or Not

Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 6
Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 6

Step 1. Don't help Maria

If you think Maria deserves to die, leave her and leave the room. Aya will return to the corridor with some sandbags.

  • The third bad ending is in this section. Dad will find Aya and kill her with the help of his dolls.
  • A black screen then appeared along with a bloody scream. In the next picture, Aya is seen sitting on a chair wearing a beautiful dress, motionless and lifeless. The father has succeeded in turning Aya into a doll, the perfect daughter whose beauty will always be eternal.
Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 7
Get All Endings in Mad Father Step 7

Step 2. Help Maria

This is the best ending of the game. Select "Help Maria" then find a bandage to treat her wounds. You and Maria will then look for a way out, but the terrible sound of the chainsaw gets louder and louder.

  • Maria will ask you to leave her. Despite trying hard to convince Maria, Aya was forced to leave her.
  • While inside the church, the same thing happens when you select the “Don't help Maria” option. A doll will appear and hold Aya so she can no longer run away while the Doctor prepares to cut Aya with his chainsaw.
  • However, before the chainsaw landed on Aya's body, a knife pierced the Doctor's face. Aya's father fell and blood started to pool under him. Apparently, Maria came and saved Aya. In fact, with one slash, the doll was defeated.
  • Several scenes were then played, including the appearance of Dio and how Maria and Aya escaped from the mansion.
  • Towards the end of the game, it is shown that Aya later became a doctor and Maria is still by his side. However, Aya might repeat the mistake of her father, who turned a human body into a puppet.
  • Maria said before the game ended. “Indeed, the mistress is much like you.”
