Fidgeting is a common trait of an energetic child, but it can last into adulthood and become a hard habit to break. Silence in adults is a disturbing habit and can affect performance at work or social life. There are several ways to help control this habit: determine the cause, reduce caffeine and sugar intake, increase exercise, and practice relaxation techniques.
Part 1 of 4: Determining the Cause of Difficulty in Silence

Step 1. Know when and where you are struggling to stay still
Is it at work? Is it in the morning or at night? What social situations tend to trigger silence? Which body part is the most hyperactive? Understanding the origin of silence and its impact on your life is the first step to making change.
- Write down the places and times you find it difficult to stay still in a notebook. This will help you link your habits to various dietary habits, such as caffeine or sugar consumption, or other things.
- It's normal to be quiet. Some people are more often difficult to be silent than others. While it may be a sign of hyperactivity, anxiety, or even a nervous breakdown, it doesn't necessarily mean you're experiencing it all.

Step 2. Recognize that some silence in children is normal
According to research, a lot of movement is actually good for children. Getting a lot of movement will help improve focus, reduce anxiety, improve cognitive function, and reduce obesity.
Many children seem to have a lot of energy. Excessive silence is one of the hallmarks of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but don't assume your child has ADHD just because he's energetic. If your child has ADHD, other symptoms will appear, especially at school, and you will be encouraged by the teacher or child psychologist for a doctor's diagnosis

Step 3. Rule out hyperactivity-impulsivity (ADHD)
ADHD is a neurological behavioral disorder characterized by repetitive patterns of inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity that interfere with the patient's function or development.
- For hyperactivity-impulsivity, children exhibited 6 or more symptoms (up to age 16 years or older for adolescents, and adults aged 17 years and over) for 6 months, and were not appropriate for their developmental level. Symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity include:
- often has difficulty staying still or tapping hands or feet, or squirming in a seat.
- often leaves the chair when the situation requires sitting
- often runs or climbs when it's not the time (anxiety in adults)
- often can't play or do activities calmly
- always busy and active, as if driven by a motor.
- often talk too much
- often answer before the question is finished
- often don't want to wait
- frequently interrupts or interrupts others (when playing or chatting).

Step 4. Get a diagnosis
ADHD symptoms appear before the age of 12. Some symptoms occur in two or more places (e.g. home and school), there is clear evidence that ADHD interferes with activities in school, social, or work environments, and the symptoms are not due to another mental disorder.
- There are a number of symptoms for the involuntary part of ADHD, which are not included here because silence is not one of them. However, many people who have an impulsive part of ADHD also have an involuntary part. If you think your child has ADHD, make an appointment with the doctor.
- ADHD can only be diagnosed by a doctor. If you think your child has ADHD, or has been told by his school teacher, take him to the pediatrician for a diagnosis. Although ADHD is not the same as a learning disability, your child may need special education at school. Because ADHD is considered a type of health disability under disability law.

Step 5. Set aside anxiety disorders
Extreme restlessness is also a sign of an anxiety disorder. The restlessness that is part of anxiety can take the form of self-destructive behavior (peeling skin, biting nails, pulling hair, grinding teeth) or simply tapping fingers, swinging legs, straightening things in front of you, or fiddling with objects. If you think you have this disorder, make an appointment with a counselor, psychologist, or doctor. Other symptoms of anxiety disorders are:
- Loneliness (especially in social anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder)
- Obsessions (especially in obsessive-compulsive disorder)
- Difficult to concentrate
- Medication without a doctor's direction (with food, alcohol, or drugs)
- There is a sense of fear
- Worry too much
- Irritability
- Digestive problems (stomach pain, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea)
- Shy (in social life)
- Perfectionist tendencies
- It's hard to trust other people

Step 6. Consider adjusting your diet, increasing your exercise, and practicing relaxation techniques
Whether it's people with ADHD, anxiety, or otherwise healthy people, everyone can benefit from the information in the steps below to reduce silence, especially if it's causing problems in your work or social life.
Part 2 of 4: Reducing Caffeine and Sugar Intake

Step 1. Consider the amount of caffeine you currently consume
Record the amount of coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate you consume each day of the week. This will indicate whether your caffeine intake has exceeded the health limit or not.
- 400 milligrams (the amount in 4 cups of coffee) of caffeine per day is generally considered safe for most adults. However, some people are more sensitive to caffeine and should reduce the amount.
- If you consume caffeine and have insomnia, restlessness, anxiety problems, fast heart rate, headaches, muscle tremors, or extreme restlessness, it is likely that you are already extra sensitive to caffeine and should reduce your consumption to a minimum or stop altogether.

Step 2. Reduce the amount of coffee you drink by half, or gradually reduce 1 cup each week
This will prevent withdrawal symptoms or headaches. Caffeine creates a jolt of adrenaline and your body gets used to it. It took about 1 month to completely quit caffeine.
Reduce your caffeine consumption slowly. Stopping caffeine intake suddenly will cause caffeine withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches

Step 3. Monitor your sugar intake
Consumption of refined sugar and artificially sugared foods (candy, cakes, biscuits, and some cereals) results in an increase and decrease in energy so that your appetite increases. During this increase in energy, you will most likely find it difficult to stay still.
Make notes in a book, similar to caffeine notes. Monitor consumption of refined sugar (candy, biscuit, cake, etc.) in a week

Step 4. Replace your sugary snacks with fruit
Fruit contains natural sugars, and will help you reduce your intake of artificial or processed sugars because if you eat fruit, your appetite for other sugars will decrease.
Fruit is part of a healthy diet, and you should eat 4 servings (1 serving is 1 piece of raw fruit the size of a baseball, or 1 cup of small fruit or 100% fruit juice) of fruit each day

Step 5. Have a healthy diet
If you are low on energy and turn to caffeine or refined sugar for energy, your diet is unhealthy. Make sure you're eating the right amount of a variety of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and low-fat protein each day.
Eat 4 servings of vegetables (1 cup raw or cooked vegetables or vegetable juice, or 2 cups of leafy greens in one serving), 4 servings of fruit, 6-8 servings of whole grains, (depending on age gender and activity level), 2-6 servings of low-fat protein (depending on age, gender and activity level), and 2-3 servings (one cup) of dairy or similar products per day
Part 3 of 4: Increase Physical Activity

Step 1. Exercise 30 minutes a day
In general, today's lifestyle is not as active as it used to be. People are less mobile because many are working behind a desk. To get more exercise, you can walk, jog, swim, cycle, play sports, or any other activity that gets your heart rate up and you enjoy it.
If you have limited exercise time, one of the easiest ways to get more exercise is by walking. Walking can also be accompanied by homework; walk the dog, go to the store or post office, or walk around the office a few times during breaks. It's better to walk than not exercise at all, so make it a habit to walk a lot if you don't have enough time to exercise

Step 2. Turn your arm and leg movements into isometric exercises at school or work
This exercise will relieve restlessness and strengthen muscles.
- Rest your arms on your thighs. Place your palms together and gently push. Hold for 3-10 seconds and repeat 10 times.
- Trace both on the floor. Press the foot down for 3-10 seconds. Repeat until your muscles are tired, and the restlessness will subside.

Step 3. Take a break
Never sit in one place for more than 30 minutes. As well as being great for your back, going for a walk and stretching during a short break will make it easier to stay still and move your body a bit.
Part 4 of 4: Practicing Relaxation Techniques

Step 1. Find the cause of your anxiety
Often, except for medical reasons such as ADHD, people struggle with restlessness because they have restless energy and feel that they should or want to do something else. this is why it is sometimes difficult to keep quiet in adults is considered rude by many people. Calming the mind will help you overcome the energy of anxiety.

Step 2. Focus your attention
Instead of worrying about what should or could be done, or feeling like the work isn't getting done fast enough, stay focused on where you are and the work that's being done. This takes practice. Whatever you're doing, tell yourself, "this is what I'm working on, and I'm going to concentrate and do my best."

Step 3. Take a deep breath
When it feels like stilling is coming, take two slow breaths. This will help your restless energy slowly dissipate
If you feel very restless, stop what you are doing and start counting while breathing. Inhale deeply while counting to 10. When you get to 10, exhale and count to 10 again. Do this several times until you feel relaxed

Step 4. Do yoga
Find and sign up for yoga classes in your area. If you already know yoga postures, practice them at home or on a break from work. Meditation, deep breathing, and the stretching aspect of yoga will go a long way in controlling restless energy and staying focused.

Step 5. Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is very important for managing stress. Sleep will refresh your brain so you can focus and organize when you wake up. Make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep each night, and if you have trouble falling asleep, try the following:
- Stay away from stimulants one hour before bedtime. These stimulants include television, exercise, and playing cell phones. For an hour before bedtime, try reading a book in dim light, or taking a warm bath.
- Don't work in bed during the day. Let the pure bed be a place where you relax and get ready for bed and not think about responsibilities.
- Check your diet and exercise. Nutritional deficiencies, caffeine consumption, and lack of exercise can cause insomnia.

Step 6. Be grateful for everything you have
Keep a gratitude journal in which you write down things you are grateful for every 1-2 days a week. Gratitude will help you maintain a positive mood and reduce stress and anxiety.