3 Ways to Deal with Puberty

3 Ways to Deal with Puberty
3 Ways to Deal with Puberty

Table of contents:


Puberty is an awkward and confusing time for young people. Many young boys and girls are unsure how to respond to this time. There will be many changes that will appear in your body, but don't be afraid: these are normal things and happen to anyone. You can anticipate any changes that will occur so that you can respond to this time well


Method 1 of 3: Dealing with Things That Affect Boys and Girls

Deal With Puberty Step 1
Deal With Puberty Step 1

Step 1. Deal with body odor

When going through puberty, you will sweat more (especially in the armpits) and produce body odor. This is perfectly normal, but it means you have to pay more attention to body hygiene. Don't forget to shower every day and wear clean clothes. Use deodorant every morning so that your body smells fresh and clean.

  • Some deodorants contain antiperspirants which also prevent sweating. Regular deodorant without this substance prevents body odor, but does not prevent sweating.
  • Your hair will also start to feel greasy, so wash it more often than usual.
Deal With Puberty Step 2
Deal With Puberty Step 2

Step 2. Treat acne

During puberty, your skin will start to change as your hormones change too. This can cause acne. Your skin will also start to feel dry or oily. To fix this, wash your face twice a day with facial soap. Use an anti-acne cream to treat acne, and moisturize your skin to treat dry skin.

  • Acne medications contain benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, or salicylic acid as active ingredients that are quite effective. Everyone's skin is different, so try several products until you find the one that works best.
  • Be careful because acne medication will dry out the skin, so you will also need to use a skin moisturizer.
  • Make sure to use an oil-free moisturizer on your face. Oily moisturizers will actually cause more acne. Skin moisturizers also contain sunscreen that helps protect the skin from the sun.
  • Don't pop or pinch your pimple as it will only make the problem worse.
  • Don't touch your face too much or let your hair touch your face, because later the oil on your hands or hair will move to your face and cause acne.
  • If you have serious acne problems that don't go away with over-the-counter acne medications, try seeing a dermatologist (dermatologist).
Deal With Puberty Step 3
Deal With Puberty Step 3

Step 3. Anticipate your body's growth

Most people experience drastic growth at puberty. Your height will increase by a few centimeters and your weight will also increase during this time as your body changes shape. If you feel a little awkward with your body during this time, don't worry, this phase will stop. Some people gain weight before growing tall, but this is completely normal.

  • You may feel a little more confident if you wear clothes that are the right size. Ask your parents to buy new clothes (even if only a few) if the old clothes feel cramped. Don't forget, your body may still be growing and changing for a while
  • You may also find it awkward when your feet appear bigger at puberty because your legs usually grow before the rest of your body. You need to know that this awkward feeling will not last long because the body will grow with the legs.
Deal With Puberty Step 4
Deal With Puberty Step 4

Step 4. Respond to your mood swings

Puberty is caused by the arrival of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. This hormone affects not only your body shape, but also how you feel. As a result, you may feel more angry or emotional than before. There's not much that can be done, but don't forget to recognize these emotional changes so you don't take them lightly on others.

  • You may feel uncomfortable with your body during this time. Keep in mind that going through changes is normal.
  • You may feel tired for no reason, so get plenty of rest. If the fatigue is severe enough, tell your doctor.
  • Share your feelings with someone, either a friend or an adult you trust. You may need a little support from them in going through this time. So, don't hesitate to seek help.
  • One way to boost your self-confidence during this difficult time is to do the things you enjoy. For example, if you really like singing, painting, or playing basketball, these activities will boost your confidence.
  • If these feelings are interfering with your daily life, or are causing you a lot of stress, try consulting an expert. A professional counselor will help you learn ways to deal with these emotions in a healthy way.
  • Exercising will help you deal with the anxiety that comes with all the changes that occur during puberty. Exercising releases chemicals in the brain that improve mood. So, find a physical activity that you enjoy. For example swimming, dancing, or playing team sports such as football.
Deal With Puberty Step 5
Deal With Puberty Step 5

Step 5. Don't compare yourself to others

Puberty happens to everyone, but not always at the same time. If you start going through puberty before everyone else, or you feel like you're falling behind the others, you don't have to worry, because in a few years you'll both be teenagers.

  • Puberty usually begins at the age of 8-13 years for girls.
  • Puberty usually starts at the age of 9-15 years for boys
Deal With Puberty Step 6
Deal With Puberty Step 6

Step 6. Anticipate the emergence of sexual desire

At some point during puberty, you may feel a sexual urge. However, just because you want to, doesn't mean you're ready to have sex. Talk to an adult you trust to find out when someone is ready for sex and about safe sex practices.

  • If you decide to have sex, know and understand the importance of protecting yourself from pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Even if you protect yourself by wearing a condom, this method is not 100% effective.
  • Oral sex can also transmit STDs. Use dental dams, plastic wrap, or condoms cut into squares when performing oral sex on the vulva (area outside the vagina) or anus. Use a condom when performing oral sex on the penis. Condoms can be purchased at pharmacies or supermarkets. Meanwhile, dental dams may be sought at the midwife's or dentist's clinic.
  • Never give in to coercion to have sex if you don't want to. The decision to have sex must be made and borne by you.
Deal With Puberty Step 7
Deal With Puberty Step 7

Step 7. Find someone to enlighten your heart

If you are uncomfortable with the changes in your body, talk to someone who has gone through puberty first. Talk to an adult you trust, such as a parent, sibling, or doctor.

  • You can also share this with your friends, but don't forget that they are now just as confused as you are. Don't just take their advice.
  • If you see a pediatrician who is a different gender and is reluctant to talk to him about puberty, ask your parents to change doctors.

Method 2 of 3: Addressing Women's Matters

Deal With Puberty Step 8
Deal With Puberty Step 8

Step 1. Learn how to get rid of body hair

Hair will grow on both arms, legs, and genital area during puberty. These hairs can be left unshaven if you don't want to, but most girls shave them off as soon as they appear. Talk to your mom or another adult woman you trust about getting your body hair shaved for the first time.

  • Manual razor blades are easier to shave. There are various types, but all of them are used with some kind of lubricant, such as a shaving gel or soap. Be careful when shaving so as not to injure the skin. If you want, please use an electric shaver.
  • You can also wax your legs, armpits, and bikini area. This method is very painful, but the results are more durable.
  • There are also chemicals that can be purchased at the pharmacy to get rid of body hair without a razor blade.
Deal With Puberty Step 9
Deal With Puberty Step 9

Step 2. Prepare the bra

When your breasts start to grow, consider wearing a bra. Invite Mom or another trusted adult woman to buy it.

  • You may also need a special type of bra for exercise.
  • The bra that is used must be the right size. Ask shop employees for help if needed
  • Don't worry if one breast grows faster than the other. They will be the same size, although not exactly the same.
Deal With Puberty Step 10
Deal With Puberty Step 10

Step 3. Get ready for your first period

Waiting for your first period can be scary. However, when you are ready, the process will be much easier. You will need to use a pad, which sticks to your underwear, or a tampon, which is inserted into your vagina. Look for the instructions for use on the packaging, and ask your mother or another trusted adult woman to use it.

  • Provide spare clean underwear and a clean handkerchief in anticipation of your first period at school.
  • Most girls get their first period at the age of 12, but normally their first period occurs between the ages of 8-16.
  • The first menstruation is not a sign of pregnancy. If the egg does not meet the sperm, then menstruation will come every month. Blood will come out of the vagina as much as about one cup for 3-7 days.
  • Don't worry if your first period blood is brown instead of red. This is still normal. In addition, it is natural that your periods initially come irregularly. Menstruation will come regularly with age.
  • Don't forget to change pads or tampons regularly (at least once every 4 hours). Tampons can cause a serious medical condition called toxic shock syndrome if they are not changed regularly.
  • In addition to menstruation, occasionally you will find clear or white liquid in your underwear. This can happen before your first period and will continue even after you have had your period. Vaginal fluid is caused by hormonal changes in the body, and serves to maintain vaginal health.
Deal With Puberty Step 11
Deal With Puberty Step 11

Step 4. Anticipate weight gain

Women will also experience changes in body shape along with breast development. Women will gain weight and this is normal and healthy. Your body will get more and more curvy and nothing can stop it.

Going on a diet during puberty is very unhealthy! Even if you feel uncomfortable with the changes your body is going through, this is necessary and must happen. The body shape of an adult woman is different from that of a girl, and this is completely normal

Method 3 of 3: Dealing With Men-Specific Things

Deal With Puberty Step 12
Deal With Puberty Step 12

Step 1. Anticipate changes in your voice

Boys' voices will change with puberty. This happens because the larynx and male vocal cords grow rapidly. Unfortunately, as your body is still adapting to the changes that occur, sometimes your voice will crack or squeak unexpectedly. You can just give up, but this usually only lasts for a few months.

For most boys, this occurs at the age of 11-14 years

Deal With Puberty Step 13
Deal With Puberty Step 13

Step 2. Start shaving

At some point during puberty, you will notice hair growing on your chin and above your lips. When it's obvious, it's best if the hair is shaved. Ask Dad or another trusted adult male to help with the first shave.

  • Electric shavers with flexible heads are quite comfortable and effective to use, but the results are often incomplete.
  • You can also shave with a manual razor, but you have to be careful not to injure yourself. Always use shaving cream or gel to prevent irritation.
  • Hair will begin to grow in the armpits and pubic area. The hair on the arms, legs and other areas will become thicker and heavier. These hairs can be left alone, but if they bother you, shave or wax thoroughly.
Deal With Puberty Step 14
Deal With Puberty Step 14

Step 3. Anticipate an erection

As puberty goes on, boys start having erections (when the penis hardens as it fills with blood). Erections can happen unexpectedly, so don't worry too much.

  • Erections can occur at any time, whether aroused or not.
  • Try not to be too embarrassed if you have an erection in front of other people. Chances are they won't even notice your erection.
  • If you want to end an erection, stop thinking about it. Try distracting yourself with repetitive and boring activities, such as reading the alphabet upside down.
  • Your penis and testicles will also grow during puberty. Do not think too much and compare the size with others. Also, don't worry too much if one testicle grows faster than the other. Later they will be the same size.

Step 4. Recognize that wet dreams are normal

In addition to erections that occur during the day, you may also experience discharge at night, known as a "wet dream". This happens when you have an erection and ejaculate (removing sperm from the penis) while sleeping at night. This is a normal occurrence in the developmental stages of the body. Wet dreams will stop when you are an adult.

Deal With Puberty Step 16
Deal With Puberty Step 16

Step 5. Don't worry about growing your chest

As you go through puberty, your body will get fuller, and your chest will grow. This is perfectly normal and there is no problem with your hormones. As your body grows and changes continue, your chest will take shape.
