Bioplastic is a type of plastic that can be made from plant starch or gelatin. This type of plastic is more environmentally friendly because it is not a petroleum derivative product. Bioplastics are also easy to make at home with a few simple ingredients and a stove!
In a hurry?
The easiest way to make bioplastics is to mix 10 ml of distilled water, 1 ml of white vinegar, 1.5 grams of cornstarch, and 0.5 grams of glycerol in a saucepan and stir. Boil the mixture until it turns clear and thick, then pour onto non-stick parchment paper in the shape you want. Let it cool for two days or until it hardens completely, then use it! Find alternative ingredients below if you don't have cornstarch!
Method 1 of 3: Using Cornstarch and Vinegar

Step 1. Gather the necessary materials
To make this type of bioplastic, you will need cornstarch, distilled water, glycerol, white vinegar, a stove, a saucepan, a silicone spatula, and food coloring (if desired). These ingredients can be found at the grocery store or online. Glycerol is also known as glycerin, so try looking for it if you're having trouble finding glycerol. The following is the dose of each ingredient to make bioplastic:
- 10 ml distilled water
- 0.5-1.5 grams of glycerol
- 1.5 grams of cornstarch
- 1 ml white vinegar
- 1-2 drops of food coloring
- It is recommended to be accompanied by parents.

Step 2. Combine all ingredients and mix well
Place all ingredients in a saucepan and mix with a spatula. Stir until most of the lumps in the mixture are gone. At this stage, the mixture should be milky white and fairly runny.
If you measure each ingredient incorrectly, just throw it away and start over

Step 3. Turn on medium-low heat
Place the pot on the stove and turn the heat to medium-low. Keep stirring while the mixture heats up. Let it boil. As it heats up, the mixture will become clearer and begin to thicken.
- Remove the mixture from the stove when it is clear and thick.
- Total heating time is about 10-15 minutes.
- If the mixture is too hot, lumps may form.
- Add a drop or two of food coloring at this point if you want to make colored plastic.

Step 4. Pour the mixture onto nonstick parchment paper or aluminum foil
Spread the still-hot mixture on a sheet of aluminum foil or nonstick parchment paper to cool. If you want to print the plastic, do it while it's still warm. See the last step for details on how to print plastic.
Using a toothpick, remove any bubbles that may have formed

Step 5. Allow the plastic to dry for at least two days
For the plastic to dry and harden, it takes time. As it cools, the plastic will also dry out. The length of this drying process depends on the thickness of the plastic. Small, thick plastic may take longer to dry than thinner, wider plastic.
- During this drying process, place the plastic in a cool, dry place.
- Check the plastic after two days to see if it has fully hardened.
Method 2 of 3: Using Gelatin or Agar

Step 1. Gather the necessary materials
To make this type of bioplastic, you will need gelatin or powdered jelly, glycerol, hot water, a saucepan, stove, spatula, and a candy thermometer. These ingredients should be available at the grocery store. Remember, glycerol is also known as glycerin, so look for glycerin if you can't find glycerol. Here are the measurements for each ingredient:
- 3 grams (1/2 teaspoon) glycerol
- 12 grams (4 teaspoons) gelatin or jelly
- 60 ml (1/4 cup) hot water
- Food coloring (optional)
- Agar-agar is an algae-derived compound that can be used as a substitute for gelatin to make environmentally friendly bioplastics

Step 2. Mix all ingredients well
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and stir until there are no lumps. You can use a wire whisk to smooth out all the lumps. Place the saucepan on the stove and begin to heat the mixture over medium-high heat.
If you want colored plastic, add a few drops of food coloring at this point

Step 3. Heat the mixture to 95°C or or it starts to boil
Insert a candy thermometer into the mixture and monitor the temperature until it reaches about 95°C just right or starts to boil. However, it doesn't matter if the mixture starts to boil before it reaches that temperature. Remove from heat when it starts to reach that temperature or starts to boil.
Keep stirring the mixture while it starts to heat up

Step 4. Pour the plastic onto a flat surface lined with aluminum foil or nonstick parchment paper
Once the mixture is removed from the heat, you should remove any bubbles that have formed. Remove with a spoon before the plastic is poured. Stir again to remove any clumps of plastic.
- If you're making plastic just for fun, pour the mixture onto a flat surface. Make sure you've covered the surface with aluminum foil or nonstick parchment paper so that the plastic you make can be easily removed.
- If you want to print plastic in a certain shape, do so at this stage. See the last step for more detailed help and information.

Step 5. Let the plastic harden for at least two days
The time it takes for the plastic to harden depends on how thick the plastic is. It generally takes at least two days for the plastic to dry and harden completely. You can use a dryer to speed up this drying process. However, the easiest way is to let the plastic sit for a few days to dry on its own.
If you want to shape it, do so while the plastic is still warm and easy to mold
Method 3 of 3: Printing Bioplastics

Step 1. Make a mold for the plastic you made
A print is a negative imitation of a shape that you want to create. You can mold an object you want to imitate by forming two pieces of clay around it. When the clay dries, remove the two halves. If you fill each piece with molten plastic and then put them together, you can create an imitation of the object. You can also use a cookie cutter to cut the plastic into the shape of the mold while the plastic is still warm.
An alternative to making your own prints is to buy ready-made prints at a hobby or craft store

Step 2. Pour the hot plastic into the mould
Once you have a template, you can use it to create more objects. While the plastic is still hot, pour it into the mould. Make sure the plastic can get all over the mold and try to pop any bubbles that form by tapping the mold lightly against the tabletop.
To make the object easier to remove when dry, coat the mold with nonstick spray before pouring the plastic

Step 3. Allow the plastic to dry for at least two days
This plastic takes several days to dry and harden. The thickness of the object determines how long it takes to dry. If the object is very thick, it may take longer to harden completely.
After two days, check the plastic. If it still looks wet, leave it for another day, and check again. Do this step until the plastic is completely dry

Step 4. Remove the plastic from the mould
After waiting a few days, the plastic will completely harden and dry. At this point, you can remove the plastic from the mold. Now you've made your own plastic version of whatever object you're imitating.