For a man, there is nothing more satisfying than succeeding in making the woman he likes blush with rosy cheeks. Although it is not easy, making a woman's cheeks blush because she is flattered (not because she is angry) is not impossible to do. Want to know the full tips? Read on for the article below!
Part 1 of 2: Make a Woman's Cheek Pink

Step 1. Give unexpected compliments
This is the quickest and easiest way to make a woman blush. Remember, almost everyone likes to be complimented. As long as you're able to pick the right words (in other words, words that sound sincere but silly at the same time), he's more likely to blush when he hears it. Some tips you can practice:
- Try to compliment the person, rather than the object they have. For example, you could say, "You look beautiful in that dress" instead of "I like your dress."
- Bring up a topic that doesn't offend her appearance. For example, praise her intelligence or artistic ability instead of her facial beauty.
- Don't praise him too much. Throwing a compliment or two in every conversation is the right decision; don't make her feel uncomfortable by complimenting her too much.

Step 2. Look into her eyes
Sometimes, one look can mean a thousand words. If the two of you are chatting, smile at him and lock your eyes a few seconds longer than usual. If she is a shy woman, even the slightest eye contact will make her cheeks blush quickly. If he smiles back at you, congratulations! Chances are, he's also attracted to you.
If something else is distracting you (or if someone else is taking over the conversation), take your eyes off it. Don't keep staring at him and frighten him

Step 3. Seduce him
Not all women will blush just because they stare at men. For women like this, you need to learn to seduce her in a natural way. If you want to learn to seduce a woman, a paragraph won't be enough to help you. For that, make sure you read the WikiHow article on powerful tips for seducing a woman.
One of the easiest ways to seduce someone is to give a silly compliment in a joking or sarcastic tone. For example, if the woman's arm muscles look tight, try saying, "Ooooh, that's sooo sexy." Make sure your sentences sound genuine and seductive at the same time

Step 4. Tease him "politely"
Remember, your goal is to "shy" him, not to embarrass him; the meaning of the two goals is different, you know! If you want to tease her, make sure you respect her personal boundaries; immediately back off or quit if he seems annoyed, offended, or very embarrassed.
Instead, tease him about his decisions or abilities rather than his personality or appearance. For example, tease him about his poor driving skills instead of the fluff on his face that stands out

Step 5. Tell internal jokes around other people
If the two of you are hanging out with friends, try cracking an internal joke that relates to the woman. For example, you could tell a silly story about a situation between the two of you, or talk about something that interests both of you. Believe me, he will feel special because of the many people around him, you chose him to be the "hearer" of your jokes.
Tell any jokes that he will understand and relate to your relationship history

Step 6. Impress his friends
Women (like men) tend to listen to the advice and opinions of their closest friends. If his relatives or friends are always flattering you, he's more likely to be motivated to date you in the future. For that, make sure you always display your best self-image, appear confident, and try to attract the hearts of those closest to you.
If the two of you are already dating, impress the parents with your modesty and life accomplishments. For many women, parental approval is the most important thing they have to achieve before dating anyone. For that, show your qualities by being as polite and respectful as possible in front of their parents. If necessary, trim your hair as neatly as possible before meeting them

Step 7. If you are already dating her, show her how important she is in your life
Basically, your profit is greater because the relationship between the two of you is already at a high level of intimacy. Therefore, just show that he is very valuable to you. If you feel comfortable doing it, don't hesitate to say the word "love" to him. Also make sure your actions match the words that come out of your mouth. A few things worth trying to show you're serious:
- Write a letter with sweet and flattering words for him.
- Combine his favorite songs on a cassette or CD.
- Take him on a hike or camp at your favorite location.
- Take him on a picnic to an amazing location.
- Invite him on a romantic date for no particular reason.

Step 8. If you're not dating him yet, try approaching him
If the woman you're trying to blush isn't your boyfriend, just showing your romantic intentions is guaranteed to make her cheeks blush. The method? All you have to do is do simple things like touch her shoulder when she laughs or tease her a little. If you want to take it a little further, try getting the courage to ask her out. Trust me, he'll be flattered even if he doesn't like you. Congratulations on exploring your new relationship, yes!
When you're ready, try reading the WikiHow guide to asking women out
Part 2 of 2: Knowing What to Avoid

Step 1. Don't think of it as an object
When giving compliments, don't make him assume that you see him as an object (or "nameless lump of flesh"), rather than a fellow human being who can think and have feelings. For that, make sure you only give compliments related to her beauty, intelligence, life decisions, and personality. Avoid the following subjects:
- His sexual characteristics (e.g., breast size)
- Sexy or not the clothes she wears
- Race or ethnicity
- Religion or social status

Step 2. Don't look scary
Being attracted to someone's beauty is a natural reaction; however, constantly stripping her body with your gaze can ruin your chances of getting to know her better! In extreme cases, such behavior can even land you in trouble with the law. For that, never do or say anything that is sexually suggestive or offends him personally. Avoid the following actions:
- Constantly staring at him or not being able to take your eyes off the area under his neck
- Extracting information about past romantic or sexual relationships
- Keep forcing her to date even if she says "no" or gives reasons for refusal
- Making comments suggesting that he should engage in sexual activity with you

Step 3. Don't give a rude touch
Touching someone in a way that is disrespectful or without their consent can reduce your dignity in their eyes. At best, he'll just scold you; but in the worst case, you could be reported to the authorities for sexual harassment. If you don't know his preferences yet, try to keep your hands away except for light touches like patting him on the shoulder when he laughs. If he seems uncomfortable or even asks you to stop doing it, stop immediately even if you don't feel like you're doing anything wrong.

Step 4. Don't tease her in an offensive way
As explained earlier, light flirting and not excessive is a powerful way to make a woman blush. But remember, there are boundaries you shouldn't cross; for example, don't make temptations that make him feel personally attacked, angry, hurt, or even resentful towards you. In general, avoid the following topics:
- Negative comments about her appearance or weight
- Criticism of personal, political, or religious views
- Comments about family or close people whose truth is still unclear
- Imitating his habits or behavior in a mocking style

Step 5. Don't try to get his attention with money or gifts
Every now and then, of course, you can take her out to dinner in a fancy place or buy her a present. However, don't try to overwhelm him with gifts or money you have! Even if he's blushing, it's most likely because he's embarrassed by your behavior. Money, however much it may be, will not make a woman feel truly special. People who have a lot of money can be romantic; but really, it's not money that makes them romantic. Trying to attract women's attention with money will only make you bankrupt or even stuck with materialistic women.
- Don't try too hard. Don't be so romantic that it seems cliché or even desperate! Believe me, women just don't like men who look so easy to seduce anyone.
- If he doesn't respond to your best efforts, chances are he isn't really interested in you. Don't waste your time and quickly switch to another woman!
- Don't give compliments that sound cliche or laughable. Remember, genuine compliments and intelligent flirting have a much greater potential for trapping his attraction.
- You can't equate all women. To do this, understand the woman you approach well and identify topics, compliments, or gifts that interest her.