Working world

How to Be Professional at Work: 11 Steps

How to Be Professional at Work: 11 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Professionalism is one of the most important aspects to achieve success in work. Professionalism can open the door to other career opportunities, a raise, or even a bonus. Your attitude towards your boss, co-workers and clients should always be polite and professional, from the way you conduct yourself and communicate to how you interact with others at work.

3 Ways to Increase Typing Speed

3 Ways to Increase Typing Speed

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Typing skills are required in many occupations. So, increasing your typing speed might be a must if you want to be more proficient at your job. Increasing typing speed can be done alone or by following the right exercises. Either way, you must commit to practicing every day if you want to improve your typing skills.

How to Respond to Work Performance Assessment

How to Respond to Work Performance Assessment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Performance appraisals can be a stressful and frightening experience, especially if your work results are deemed unsatisfactory. After that, the following days will probably be worse than during the assessment because in addition to having to respond to things that are conveyed by your boss, you can feel stressed if you worry about being fired.

How to Become an Animator: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Become an Animator: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Animation is a relatively new and exciting career field, and it has many opportunities. Animators create images, either by hand or computer, for companies such as film studios, game companies, and advertising agencies. They make commercials, movies, video games, and television shows.

4 Ways to Be a Good Servant

4 Ways to Be a Good Servant

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Working as a restaurant waitress, both male and female, can be a challenge, regardless of experience or not. It will take some time to read this article and reflect, so make sure you are not in a busy situation. Diner smiles, employer satisfaction, and jars of tips will all add up if you improve your service.

How to Get Promoted: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Get Promoted: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Do you feel trapped in the same job position? Are you ready to move up the position? The corporate ladder is hard to climb, but if you want an interesting job and a big paycheck, at some point you have to start climbing. If you want to get promoted, you have to be a patient and ambitious team player.

3 Ways to Deal with Coworkers Who Like to Order

3 Ways to Deal with Coworkers Who Like to Order

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Have a co-worker who likes to order and take over your work, as if he or she belittles your ability to get it done on your own? If so, trust me, you're not the only worker who feels upset or uncomfortable because of this situation. In fact, the best way to deal with such a person is to take control and set clear boundaries.

3 Ways to Get a Job Fast

3 Ways to Get a Job Fast

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Finding a job can be a stressful, stressful and time-consuming process. We all want to get the best job that can satisfy ourselves and give us financial stability. While there is no magic way that can guarantee you a job, here are concrete ways to increase your chances of getting a job!

4 Ways to Survive When Unemployed

4 Ways to Survive When Unemployed

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Surviving without a job is difficult. If you don't have a steady monthly income, you may find it difficult to pay off your bills, fill your time, and deal with your emotions. While it may seem impossible to survive unemployment, in reality it can be done.

How to be a good employee

How to be a good employee

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Successful employees are like owners of small risk businesses with limited customers. As an employee, you must understand the demands of primary customers (company leaders) and try to complete the task as best as possible. Read this article so you can be a good employee.

3 Ways to Get a Job Even Without Experience

3 Ways to Get a Job Even Without Experience

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Those who have just graduated often have to fight hard for jobs because many positions require 1-2 years of work experience, even for beginner positions. Most people don't realize that in most cases they actually have the experience and skills needed.

How to Write a Cover Letter for Personnel: 11 Steps

How to Write a Cover Letter for Personnel: 11 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Personnel department personnel in charge of receiving job applications usually expect applicants to also send a cover letter, not just a bio. For job applicants, a cover letter is a medium to introduce yourself and briefly explain why your biodata meets the required qualifications.

How to Cancel Premium Account on Linkedin (with Image)

How to Cancel Premium Account on Linkedin (with Image)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

This wikiHow teaches you how to remove a paid premium membership from your LinkedIn account. You cannot cancel a premium account via the LinkedIn mobile app. However, you can cancel your subscription through the iTunes Store if you subscribed through Apple.

3 Ways to Send a Fax without a Fax Machine

3 Ways to Send a Fax without a Fax Machine

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

In the past, a fax machine was a mandatory piece of equipment in every office. Why not, with a fax machine, you can send documents, contracts, and information around the world via the telephone network. In fact, the widespread use of e-mail and other easier-to-use file transfer methods didn't necessarily kill faxes.

How to Create an Organizational Strategic Plan: 6 Steps

How to Create an Organizational Strategic Plan: 6 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Strategic planning is the process of preparing an organizational plan which includes setting goals, targets, and methods that will be used so that the predetermined goals can be achieved. Strategic planning is one of the important aspects so that all organizational activities can run well.

How to Access a Work Computer from Home (with Pictures)

How to Access a Work Computer from Home (with Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Accessing a work computer from home is more complicated than accessing a home computer from other devices. Most companies have security systems in place to prevent strangers from accessing sensitive information from outside the company network.

3 Ways to Apologize for Coming Late to the Office

3 Ways to Apologize for Coming Late to the Office

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

When you arrive late for work, it's often due to circumstances beyond your control, such as traffic or an unexpected snag in your routine. The office you work for may tolerate being late for yourself several times; but some companies have strict punctuality policies.

How to Compile a Company Profile (with Pictures)

How to Compile a Company Profile (with Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

A well-presented company profile can be used as a marketing tool to attract investors and clients or given to people who want to know about the company's mission and activities. Make a short, creative, and interesting company profile containing useful information and present it in a way that makes readers feel interested and want to contribute to the progress of the company.

How to Do a Job Handover in the Office: 12 Steps

How to Do a Job Handover in the Office: 12 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Before taking a new position at work, your manager or supervisor will usually ask you to accompany the employee who will continue your work. Your willingness to help during the transition period by proactively making detailed preparations and handovers is a way of ensuring smooth company activities and building an excellent reputation when you change jobs or take a new position.

How to Set Up an Amusement Park (with Pictures)

How to Set Up an Amusement Park (with Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The amusement park industry has shown steady traffic and profit growth for over twenty years. But not all amusement parks are successful. While a well-planned amusement park can generate steady profits and huge profits, a poorly-planned theme park can result in a waste of money.

How to Apply for Leave from Work via Email: 10 Steps

How to Apply for Leave from Work via Email: 10 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Asking for time off from work can feel intimidating and awkward at times, but it's your right. If you plan your time off well so that it doesn't bother other employees, you have the opportunity to get those holidays easily. When asking for leave via email, don't beat around the bush, show a friendly attitude, and state your reasons well.

3 Ways to Fire a Friend

3 Ways to Fire a Friend

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

If you have to fire a friend, you can at least make the firing process as comfortable as possible. Whether you're feeling close to a coworker, or bringing an old friend to work in your office, follow these steps to differentiate between friend and boss responsibilities, sympathize with your friend, and make the firing process as quick and smooth as possible.

How to Deal with an Obnoxious Coworker (with Pictures)

How to Deal with an Obnoxious Coworker (with Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

At some point in your career path, you may find yourself resentful of a coworker's behavior because, yes, you are human too. First, you need to know how to live with the problem if you can afford it. If not, try talking to the person concerned.

3 Ways to Pretend to be Busy

3 Ways to Pretend to be Busy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

During your daily activities, it's natural for you to occasionally be reluctant to do your homework or want to take a break, for example while working in the office, studying at school, or having to go somewhere. One easy way to avoid tasks is to do activities that make you look busy, such as writing to make it look like you're focused or walking to another room as if there was something to do.

How to Call an Angry Client: 15 Steps

How to Call an Angry Client: 15 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

If you work in customer service or have your own business, there are times when you have to receive calls from angry clients who are disappointed. How to deal with and serve clients will determine the customer satisfaction index and the success of the business you manage.

How to Provide Positive References for Employees (with Pictures)

How to Provide Positive References for Employees (with Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The job market is getting more competitive day by day. To be able to compete for new jobs, having positive and commendable recommendations from previous employers/employers will be the most valuable support. If you want to provide a positive reference for an employee, you should think carefully about how you will represent that person.

How to Write a Resignation Letter (with Pictures)

How to Write a Resignation Letter (with Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

When you make the decision to leave your job and move to a new location, you must give at least two weeks notice of your intention to resign. Keep reading to learn how to write a polite but firm resignation letter to hand over to your boss. Step Part 1 of 3:

How to Deal with a Job Interview During a Hangover (with Pictures)

How to Deal with a Job Interview During a Hangover (with Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Seriously! You forgot you had a job interview today, and to make matters worse, last night you were out drinking so now you feel like you've been hit with a sledgehammer on your head, your stomach feels like throwing up, and your mouth is full of sand, even though to get this job you have to look great.

How to Calculate Unemployed Income: 11 Steps

How to Calculate Unemployed Income: 11 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

When you become unemployed, uncertainty becomes a very big fear. Unlike other lucrative programs, earnings during your absence are calculated as a percentage of your previous salary. To lighten the load on your mind, it's good to estimate the amount of your income during the period of not working in advance so that you can manage your expenses.

3 Ways to Make a Good Impression at a Job Interview

3 Ways to Make a Good Impression at a Job Interview

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is the most important thing you should remember when you attend a job interview? What can you do to give yourself an edge? A successful interview, regardless of your qualifications, could be the reason you got the job. Here are tips to ensure a successful interview.

How to Create a Sample Writing for a Job Application: 9 Steps

How to Create a Sample Writing for a Job Application: 9 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Some companies usually ask for writing samples that you must include with your job application letter, especially for positions that focus on translating, writing, and editing written content; or for research positions. You can make sample writing effortlessly, and it can be done with just a few simple steps.

How to Become a Dental Assistant: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Become a Dental Assistant: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Dental assistants or dentist assistants play an important role in a dental clinic (office). His duties range from helping patients prepare for treatment, to getting involved in x-ray methods. Interestingly, dental assistantship is a flexible and lucrative profession, especially with a lot of “room” for career advancement, if you end up interested in becoming a dental nurse or a dentist.

3 Ways to Take Psychological Tests for Prospective Employees

3 Ways to Take Psychological Tests for Prospective Employees

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

When undergoing the recruitment process, prospective employees usually have to take (and pass) a psychological test in order to be accepted for work. Even though you already know that psychological tests are used by many employers to screen potential employees, you may feel nervous when faced with them.

4 Ways to Have a Job Interview by Phone

4 Ways to Have a Job Interview by Phone

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Telephone interviews are often conducted if the applicant lives far from the company or because of the large number of incoming applications. Make the most of this opportunity so that you can move on to the next stage, which is to undergo a face-to-face job interview.

5 Ways to Create a Reference Page

5 Ways to Create a Reference Page

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

A reference page is an additional page on your resume that contains the contact information of your co-workers. The colleague you write his name in the reference column must have knowledge of your work ethic and habits, and your value in the eyes of the boss.

How to Answer the "Why Should I Hire You" Question

How to Answer the "Why Should I Hire You" Question

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Interview question “Why should I hire you?” is a standard question that is often asked of prospective employees. Unfortunately, an incorrect answer will reduce your chances of getting a job. To properly answer this question, you should do thorough preparation for the interview and link your skills and ambitions to the employer's goals.

6 Ways to Ask Availability of Job Opportunities

6 Ways to Ask Availability of Job Opportunities

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The job search often feels very long, especially because of the wait. Job applicants wait for the right opportunity, wait for job applications to be accepted, and wait anxiously for the results of the interview. However, patience plays an important role in a situation like this!

How to Write a Cover Letter to a Hiring Consultant: 14 Steps

How to Write a Cover Letter to a Hiring Consultant: 14 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The job of a recruitment consultant is to help business people who are looking for job applicants to fill available vacancies. After finding the most suitable candidate, the recruitment consultant will send information about the applicant to the company in need for further evaluation.

How to Get a Work Permit in the US: 5 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Get a Work Permit in the US: 5 Steps (with Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ready to work, but not yet 18? You may need a work permit. These requirements may vary depending on the state you live in, but luckily the process for getting them is pretty simple. Here's how to get it. Step Step 1. Look for information on the internet Different states have different rules regarding work permits.

How to Write a Job Application Letter: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Write a Job Application Letter: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

You are preparing to apply for the perfect job vacancy and have updated your curriculum vitae. But wait, before applying, you have to write a cover letter. Even if you're not passionate about writing a cover letter and think it's a waste of time, a concise and structured cover letter will make the difference between getting hired and not.