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4 Ways to Dry Sunflowers

4 Ways to Dry Sunflowers

Sunflowers have bright and brilliant colors that can make a room colorful. However, you don't need to keep the flowers fresh to get their vibrant color. You can dry sunflowers as decorations or souvenirs, and place them around the house for a cheerful decoration.

How to Charge a Staple Gun: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Charge a Staple Gun: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

A staple gun is a hand machine that can nail metal staples to plastic, wood, and heavy fabric. The staple gun can glue materials and shape anything from objects to flat surfaces. Manual and electric staple gun models are available. This stapler is much stronger than the regular office stapler.

How to Grow Petunia Flowers (with Pictures)

How to Grow Petunia Flowers (with Pictures)

Knowing how to grow petunias can make your garden more colorful with flowers that continue to bloom throughout the season. As a plant that has a variety of flower colors, petunias are very suitable to be planted as bed plants, garden dividers, in window boxes, and other containers.

How to Decorate a Studio Apartment: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Decorate a Studio Apartment: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

The studio apartment combines a bedroom, living room and kitchenette into one. When decorating a studio apartment, the trick is to take advantage of the limited amount of space to make the apartment appear more spacious. Read this article to find out how.

4 Ways to Reproduce Your Plants

4 Ways to Reproduce Your Plants

Growing your own plants is a fun and inexpensive hobby. Plant propagation is concerned with producing more plants by dividing, grafting or cutting existing plants. If you see a beautiful plant in your neighbor's garden/park or in any area, this is an opportunity to plant it in your garden/garden.

3 Ways to Install the Chandelier

3 Ways to Install the Chandelier

Chandeliers are an attractive lighting option and use a solid base mounting support on the ceiling that lasts an hour or more. Be sure to take the extra time to install the proper supports as described below if your lamp is heavier than the previous lamp.

How to Install Vinyl Wallcoverings (with Pictures)

How to Install Vinyl Wallcoverings (with Pictures)

Installing vinyl siding can help reduce the amount of maintenance you have to do on the exterior of your home. If you decide to install your vinyl siding yourself (without the help of a contractor), it's very important to have everything ready and know what to do during the installation process.

How to Start a Home Cleaning Service Business (with Pictures)

How to Start a Home Cleaning Service Business (with Pictures)

Cleaning your own house and cleaning someone else's house professionally are two completely different things. Even if you're used to cleaning your house regularly, learning to clean your house professionally takes a lot of time and effort––when clients pay for your services, they expect their house to be clean, very tidy, and smell good when they get home.

5 Ways to Prune Orchids

5 Ways to Prune Orchids

Orchids have very beautiful flowers, but must be pruned after the flowers have fallen. You can easily trim dead orchid stems and roots for a healthier plant. You can also do pruning to stimulate the emergence of flowers. Take good care of your orchid so that the plant continues to grow and flower for years to come.

3 Ways to Remove Glue E6000

3 Ways to Remove Glue E6000

E6000 is a versatile glue used for industry. Its strength, flexibility and adhesion make it the primary glue for craft, jewelry, household and repair products. However, it is important to apply it with care, as this glue is difficult to remove and contains toxic chemicals.

3 Ways to Germinate Maple Tree Seeds

3 Ways to Germinate Maple Tree Seeds

Due to the large number of maple tree species that grow in nature, there is no single germination method that works for all of them. Some maple species are easy to grow, especially those that sow seeds in the spring or early summer, but others are so difficult to grow that professional foresters can only get a germination percentage of 20-50%.

How to Make Your Own Concrete Pot (with Pictures)

How to Make Your Own Concrete Pot (with Pictures)

Making your own concrete pots is very easy and inexpensive to create space for plants both indoors and outdoors, which suits your needs. You can make your own molds from cardboard, used containers, pre-made custom molds, old milk cartons, or just about anything you want.

How to Create a Hydroponic Garden (with Pictures)

How to Create a Hydroponic Garden (with Pictures)

Hydroponics is a gardening system that uses a solution without soil (usually water) to grow plants. Hydroponic gardens have 30-50 percent faster growth rates and higher yields than gardens that use soil. To create a hydroponic garden, start by building a hydroponic system.

3 Ways to Grow Tomatoes in Pots

3 Ways to Grow Tomatoes in Pots

Fresh and crunchy tomatoes are the type of tomato favored by potted gardeners. Tomatoes need a large pot to grow, and usually require a support in the form of a tomato cage or other type of support for the plant to grow optimally. Some additional precautions, such as installing insect repellent nets and shade cloth, can help tomato plants to survive the extreme conditions.

How to Grow Turmeric (with Pictures)

How to Grow Turmeric (with Pictures)

Turmeric is a plant whose crops are often processed into powder, with a bitter taste reminiscent of ginger. To plant it, you need a rhizome, which is a turmeric tuber that has not yet grown. Growing turmeric is easy as long as you can monitor and water it regularly.

How to Harvest Black Walnuts: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Harvest Black Walnuts: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Black walnut is a wild walnut native to North America. Unlike the English walnuts commonly sold in grocery stores, black walnuts have a stronger flavor and are more difficult to remove from the shell. If you want to harvest these flavorful nuts properly, wait until early fall and collect the seeds when they are ripe.

How to Build a Chicken Coop (with Pictures)

How to Build a Chicken Coop (with Pictures)

During a storm, you're bored, and you have some chickens. You can just sit in your chair and wait. Or, you can find tools and a few pieces of wood in your barn and build a home for your poultry. Step Part 1 of 5: Planning the chicken coop Step 1.

How to Care for a Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Care for a Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Chinese elm (Ulmus parvifolia), or lace bark elm, is one of the most widely available types of bonsai trees and is easy to care for making it suitable for beginner bonsai owners. For maintenance, you'll want to keep the tree warm and the soil moist.

4 Ways to Grow Pumpkin

4 Ways to Grow Pumpkin

Pumpkin can be cooked into a sweet or savory dish, and it also has seeds that can be roasted. Pumpkins are usually used as an attractive decoration as Halloween approaches in the fall. Growing pumpkins is easy and inexpensive, especially since pumpkins grow in many different areas of the hemisphere.

How to Make Compost Tea: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make Compost Tea: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Compost tea, also known as liquid organic fertilizer, is a balanced and nutritious fertilizer that can be made by soaking compost in water. You can use this fertilizer on flower crops, houseplants, vegetables, and a variety of other crops to increase growth, flowers, and yields.