Attitude is a response that is given based on an assessment of a person, object, or event. A person's attitude is usually influenced by past experiences, beliefs, or emotions. For example, maybe you don't like pizza because you've been poisoned after eating pizza. You can change and improve your attitude by finding out what influences your judgment. After that, you have to change the way you assess your surroundings. Look for information that can help you change those judgments into a more positive mindset.
Method 1 of 3: Changing Attitudes

Step 1. Determine what attitude you need to change
First of all, you must determine the attitude that needs to change. Having a goal is very important to achieve success in anything. After that, you'll need to have an honest and deep self-evaluation in order to pinpoint the traits that need to be improved or changed.

Step 2. Try to figure out why you want to improve your attitude
Your motivation to change has a direct bearing on your ability to make change. Therefore, you must have the desire to change your attitude in order to improve it and play an active role in this process.
Ask yourself why you want to improve your attitude when dealing with certain people, objects, or events. Is this decision influenced by external factors? For example, do you want to change your attitude at the request of your boss? Or have a friend said that your attitude offended him? However, you must be self-motivated to improve your attitude. Change due to internal motivation will bring more fun and creativity thus giving better results

Step 3. Write a journal for self-reflection
Find things that influence your attitude as you work to improve your attitude toward a particular person, object, situation, or event. What is the basis for your assessment? What do you expect by changing your attitude? Journaling can help you do self-reflection to understand yourself better, be able to make more informed and wise decisions, and make you pay more attention to yourself. In addition, these things are closely related to improving mental and emotional health. Ask the following questions to start self-reflection:
- Will improving my attitude towards certain people or events make me feel better? Can this method overcome disturbing emotions?
- Can by improving my attitude improve my communication with other people? Will other people think I'm better? Can I cooperate better with other groups or people?
- Will by improving my attitude can I achieve my goal or change the situation?
- What influences my judgment of certain people, events, or objects?
- Have I experienced the same assessment? Was the experience a negative?
- What emotions do I feel because of my judgment? Am I feeling disappointed, angry, jealous, etc.? What causes this feeling?
- Are there certain beliefs that influence my attitude/judgment? If so, what beliefs? How do these beliefs relate to my attitude toward certain people, events, or objects? Is it because something goes against my beliefs? Can my beliefs be changed or perfected?

Step 4. Imagine how improving your attitude will affect your life
Visualization is one way to achieve goals by imagining or seeing the realization of goals mentally. Many athletes, successful entrepreneurs, and career educators use visualization techniques. This technique can strengthen your commitment to achieving your goals by activating your subconscious creative mind and helping you develop strategies that support achieving your goals. In addition, this technique keeps you focused, motivated, and programming your mind so that you are aware of the resources you need to succeed. So, if you want to improve your attitude, imagine what you will experience after you do it successfully. What would happen if you could be positive about certain people? Or, if you prefer your job?
- To visualize, sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Imagine you are seeing with your own eyes in detail (like a very vivid dream) what you will experience if you manage to change your attitude.
- During the visualization, imagine that you see yourself who has turned into a friendly person and is having lunch with the person you have been treating negatively. Or, maybe you want to imagine getting a promotion once you're able to think more positively about your job and work more efficiently.
- Use positive affirmations to support the visualization. Affirmations make you feel like you've got what you want right now. For example, “I wake up early and feel good about going to work. I'm really excited to finish the project I just started with the support from my superiors." Repeat these affirmations several times a day to make you feel more goal-focused and more motivated.

Step 5. Gather more information
In order to change your attitude, you must challenge your current judgment of certain people, events, or objects. For that, you need additional information and get information that has a positive effect on your assessment. To gather information, you can talk to someone and then reflect on what you already know while observing in more detail or doing further research.
- For example, if you have to attend an office function for dinner and are upset about having to miss your son's basketball game, try to find additional information about the event. Consider why you should attend the dinner party and what your company believes will be achieved by requiring employees to attend this event.
- To get information, it's a good idea to talk to a coworker or boss, do some research about the company, or use other sources, such as a dinner notification memo. By looking for new sources of information, you will better understand that this event is held as a new employee coaching program for career advancement and promotion. After getting additional information, you will feel more positive about the dinner.

Step 6. Consider the things you've overlooked
Another aspect of gathering information is to consider things that you've been ignoring or forgetting for so long. Sometimes, we have a certain vision and only focus on one thing that we can see or that provokes a certain response. However, don't judge right away and take a thorough look so you can get information that you may have missed and can help you improve your attitude.
For example, if you have a negative attitude towards someone who made you feel uncomfortable during the first meeting, try to improve your perspective by looking for information that you didn't pay attention to before. By knowing more about this person, you can get to know them better and change your negative judgment. This is an effective way to change and improve your attitude

Step 7. Believe in change
An important aspect of changing attitudes is the belief that you are capable of making the needed changes. Oftentimes, we assume that our attitude is good and that it is an irreversible part of us. However, you won't be able to change your attitude if you don't believe you can. Maybe you never started, gave up quickly, or just tried half-heartedly.
One way to reassure yourself about the possibility of changing and improving your attitude is to remember times when you experienced good things. Maybe during school, you decided you wanted to do better in your education and study harder. And as a result, your score increases. Try to remember more experiences or moments when you really wanted to change and succeeded in achieving it. This is the best way to cultivate confidence in yourself
Method 2 of 3: Forming a Positive Attitude

Step 1. Be sincere
Feelings of stress, anxiety, and restlessness tend to lead to negative attitudes and this can have a negative effect on your mental health. Instead, admit that you can't control everything, for example when it turns out that someone else got the promotion, not you. You can only control how you view and respond to those events. Minimize the chance for negative attitudes to emerge by letting go of things that are beyond your control. Keep trying and be positive in your daily life.
- One way to let go is to get rid of the thought that you were intentionally left out in order to suffer, hurt, sad, etc. Many events in everyday life happen without our involvement as individuals. Don't think that you are a victim because these thoughts make you feel constantly negative emotions.
- Remember that life is there to be lived, instead of constantly thinking negative thoughts.

Step 2. Recognize your strengths and remember your successes
Focusing on strengths is a way of shaping positive emotional experiences and attitudes. It also helps you relive positive moments when negative tendencies arise, making it easier for you to overcome adversity.
Start writing your successes and positive traits in a diary or journal. Write in your own style or create a list with several categories. Do this regularly. Add new things to the list, such as graduating from college, rescuing an abandoned puppy, or getting hired for the first time

Step 3. Do the things you love
Another way to accumulate positive experiences is to make time to do fun things. If you like music, take time to listen to your favorite albums. There are also people who enjoy reading at night while resting. Do your favorite physical activity, such as walking at night, practicing yoga, or working out with friends.
Try to stay active while doing fun things to maintain a positive attitude

Step 4. Rest and think about good things
Take 10 minutes each day to journal about positive experiences. You can use this opportunity to evaluate and reflect on your activities throughout the day and find positive things, even if they may be small events, such as experiences that make you feel happy, proud, amazed, grateful, calm, satisfied, or happy. Re-experiencing positive emotions can change the way you view negative experiences.
For example, meditate on your morning routine to find moments that make you feel happy. Maybe you enjoy watching the sun rise, greeting the bus driver in a friendly manner, or enjoying a cup of coffee

Step 5. Express gratitude
Make sure you take time to express gratitude for everything you have in your daily life. Gratitude is closely related to optimism. Maybe you're grateful that someone did something good for you, such as paying for public transportation or buying a movie ticket. Little things like this deserve your gratitude. The success of completing the task also deserves your pride and gratitude.
You can also write a “thanksgiving journal”. This book is used only to record everyday events that make you feel happy and grateful. By writing, these things will be more deeply embedded in our consciousness. Notes can be a great source of information when you need a gratitude trigger

Step 6. Change the way you view negative events and attitudes
Identify a negative thought or feeling that you are experiencing and change it in such a way that you can feel a positive (or at least neutral) emotion through the experience. Changing perspective is one of the important aspects to form a positive attitude.
- For example, a new friend at work spills coffee on your shirt. Instead of getting angry and judging him to be careless or stupid, look at the incident from his perspective. He accidentally spilled the coffee and this might embarrass him. Instead of being negative to him, think of this incident as trivial. You could even jokingly say that this was a “memorable first day acquaintance with him.”
- Changing your thoughts and feelings doesn't mean assuming that all is well, but it means not letting negativity control you. This will help you find more positive ways to live your daily life.

Step 7. Don't compare yourself to others
Maybe you want to compare yourself to others in terms of appearance, lifestyle, or attitude. However, this tends to make us see only the negative things in ourselves and only see the positive things in others. Recognizing our own strengths is a much better and more realistic thing. Don't compare and accept yourself as you are. You will have the ability to control your thoughts, attitudes, and life by accepting yourself. In addition, this method reduces the tendency to judge the behavior of others subjectively.
Everyone is different. Therefore, there is never any reason to judge yourself by the standards of others. There are things you like that other people don't like and everyone will lead a different life

Step 8. Make friends with positive people
If you want to improve your attitude, you must make friends with people who can encourage you to always be positive. The people you spend most of your time with, your family, friends, spouse, co-workers will influence how you see things that happen in your daily life. Therefore, choose people who can share positive energy and make you excited. Social support will help you to be positive when you tend to be negative.
- Research shows that people who experience severe stress are more likely to cope with problems if they have support from friends or family members they can rely on. Spend time with positive influence people in your life. Make friends with people who make you feel cared for, valued, and more confident. Let these people push you to be the best.
- Stay away from negative people who always think negatively and give negative judgments. Remember that a negative attitude will lead to negative things. In order to develop a positive attitude, reduce interaction with negative people in your daily life.
Method 3 of 3: Improving Attitude through Physical Activity

Step 1. Know your current physical condition
Physical conditions will affect mental and emotional conditions that play an important role in determining attitudes. Take a good look at your daily routine. Determine if adjustments to your daily routine in terms of sleep, physical activity, or diet can help improve your attitude.

Step 2. Exercise every morning
Exercising and doing physical activity every morning is a way to channel excess energy so that you can be calmer and more friendly throughout the day. By exercising, our bodies will produce endorphins that trigger feelings of happiness and well-being. In addition, exercising daily helps you improve your physical appearance which will increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.
Walking, jogging, or running in the morning are great ways to get physical activity and reduce stress

Step 3. Increase social interaction
Doing light activities or social interactions in daily life has a positive impact on mental health. Therefore, make it a habit to interact with other people when doing daily activities to improve your attitude and mental condition.
Social interactions cause our brain to produce serotonin naturally. Serotonin hormone works to improve mood and make you feel happy

Step 4. Get used to sunbathing in the morning so that it is exposed to the sun
The human body will form vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Many people experience fatigue, negative attitudes, and have a weak mentality due to vitamin D deficiency. Sunbathing for 15 minutes every morning to be exposed to the sun will have a positive impact on mental state.

Step 5. Improve your diet
You'll have a hard time maintaining a positive attitude and feeling less energized if you're not eating well. Research shows that people who adopt a healthy diet tend to experience an overall improvement in their mental state. On the other hand, a poor diet tends to make a person more irritable, less friendly, and easily irritated. Start eating healthy foods to see how it affects your mental and emotional attitude.
- Vary the food you consume according to the diet you apply, for example by combining meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and wheat.
- Vitamin B12 contained in red meat and green vegetables is very beneficial for increasing happiness and mental health.

Step 6. Take time to interact with pets
Research shows that interacting with pets can reduce stress so that you can improve your emotional and mental health. You can improve your attitude by taking time to care for your pet.

Step 7. Meditate or relaxation.
Stress that builds up throughout the day can have a negative impact on your mental health, which will affect how you react to things that happen in your daily life. Therefore, it's a good idea to meditate or relax every night to release tension.

Step 8. Get used to getting enough sleep at night according to recommendations from health experts
Lack of or excess sleep will have a negative impact on mental and emotional health. Make a nightly sleep schedule and run it well. Researchers agree that adults generally need 7-8 hours of sleep a night every day. You will see an improvement in your attitude if you follow a good sleep pattern every night.
- Remember that improving your attitude is like any other program that takes time, such as a self-improvement program to lose weight or increase mental strength.
- A positive attitude is very beneficial for the well-being of your life. Psychologists have proven that people who focus on positive things (feeling optimistic) and people who focus on negative things (feeling pessimistic) usually face the same obstacles and challenges, but optimistic people are able to face them with a positive attitude. the good one.