When you're studying material you really enjoy, you'll come into class excited, motivated, and ready to learn. Similarly, when you observe a lecturer you really like. After all, is there anything better than sitting and watching your crush during class? If you want to enjoy the next stage of love and want to seduce your teacher, it takes a little strategy and a lot of guts. It may seem difficult, but don't worry–it can be done!
Part 1 of 4: Look at the Situation

Step 1. Check your lecturer's marital status
Look at the ring finger on the right. Is it embedded in a wedding ring? If so, you'll have to decide if this is an obstacle preventing you from pursuing him. If it doesn't have a ring, try to find out if he has a partner. Some lecturers casually mention their boyfriend or fiancé in class. Listen carefully, and see if they show signs. You can also ask students of your class or senior level if they know the status of the lecturer's relationship. If you can find his account on Facebook, you can tell if he's single or in a couple.
- If you don't know the status of the relationship from afar, be brave. After the lecture, approach your lecturer and say something like, “Hello, Sir/Madam Lecturer! Looks like I saw you and your boyfriend at the restaurant last weekend. Is that really you?” Hopefully, by pretending once you get the information. If you're lucky, he'll give you some important clues in his answer.
- Don't make assumptions about her sexual orientation. If you're sure he's single, try to find out to make sure he's attracted to people of the same gender as you! However, even if your professor is heterosexual, remember he or she can also be bisexual, or their sexual orientation is unknown on campus.

Step 2. Do some research on your university's policy on student-lecturer relations
Some campuses strictly prohibit, while others only encourage. This information may not make any difference to you, but it can help you determine how difficult it is to convince your professor. Your relationship may be technically allowed, so it won't take too much effort to convince her. If banned, the challenge (and the scandal) might make the relationship more exciting.

Step 3. Determine the risks and rewards
If you randomly take classes just to seduce your professor, the stakes may not be that great. However, if your professor is also the head of the department at your faculty, you may need to consider the consequences before acting. However, when it comes to the heart, sometimes you have to throw logic away.
- If the lecturer rejects you, will you be okay? If you know you have to take three more courses with him in order to pass that course, be careful. Lectures can be more difficult if you are found to have a relationship with your lecturer.
- If you manage to seduce him, will that relationship have a negative effect on your academic future?
Part 2 of 4: Get His Attention

Step 1. Be a good student
Pay attention and show interest in the material being taught in class. Participate in class discussions, answer questions, and take notes. Put your phone away and don't daydream. Show that you are very interested in every word your teacher says. While being a good student may not seduce him, it can be grounding. Remember, he's running a job, and your interest in the subject will make him happy.
Even if you can't seduce him, you can at least get an A if you pay attention and work hard

Step 2. Be attractive in class
Even if you think your professor is too smart and doesn't pay attention to appearances, he's still a human being. If you seem perfunctory, you may not be able to pull it off. Keep wearing appropriate clothes for college, but wear clothes that make you attractive. By looking neat and elegant will show him that you respect his lectures. Try to appear more elegant and mature than your peers: if you're a girl, instead of wearing a hooded jacket, wear a knee-length vest or skirt to appear more professional and on par with your professor.
Make a little extra effort to boost your self-confidence. If you appear calm, you will appear more equal
Step 3. Use body language
Smile at your professor in class, and try to hold his gaze if you can. Nod your head slightly whenever you think he has something great to say, to show you're listening and agreeing. Don't be too shy – if you have a great body shape, find secret ways to show it off. Bend down to grab a pen, straighten your clothes for a glance, or walk slowly to your seat before class starts. The goal is for him to see you.
Don't look at him when making eye contact. If he catches you staring at him, just hold his gaze a little longer than you should, and smile. If he smiles back, that's a good sign!
Figure Out if Someone Likes You Step 1
Part 3 of 4: Get Two Chance

Step 1. Go during business hours
Many lecturers have to enter according to working hours and many students do not take advantage of it. Check your lecturer's office hours, which are usually given at the beginning of the semester. Come in during office hours regularly to ask for help with assignments, discuss exam preparation, or ask for help with writing papers. Not only will he be impressed by your work ethic, but you will also stand out. Not only will you be recognized among many students, but it will also build bonds.
- Don't come to his office every week if there's nothing to discuss. However, once you've built a habit of meeting your professor during his office hours, you can come over and chat for a while about other things that aren't related to lectures. Eventually, he will probably realize you are attracted to him.
- Familiarity can lead to affection. If you often meet lecturers, your lecturers may have certain feelings for you.

Step 2. Chat with him before and after class
Try arriving a few minutes early to class or lecture hall, and use that time to greet the teacher with a smile. Say hello, ask how he is, discuss some aspect in class, whatever! Create opportunities to talk alone. He will appreciate your friendly and sociable attitude.

Step 3. Send an email
Ask him about classes or homework. Share your thoughts on interesting discussions that took place during class. Send him a link to an article you think he'll find interesting. Do whatever it takes to stand out, and look for opportunities for dialogue.
- In that email, keep a professional attitude, but be a little fidgety. If you're emailing at night or during the holidays, think of a witty way to justify this. If your teacher uses a smiley emoticon, include a wink emoticon. Each professor's limits on correspondence are different, and you should know the best way to write a letter to your professor. Don't be like the other students who send him boring emails the other day.
- Even if you talk to him every day, limit your correspondence unless it's clear your professor wants to talk a lot too. If you overdo it, you can be considered a nuisance.
Part 4 of 4: Making Personal Relationships

Step 1. Have a conversation with him about things that have nothing to do with college
This technique usually works during business hours. If they seem friendly and unhurried, try talking to them about topics that have nothing to do with the lecture. Ask him about his hobbies and interests, ask for advice on issues that have nothing to do with school, or tell him about things you enjoy. Ask him his background and how he came to be a lecturer.
- Talking about things outside of class can show that you're not just his student. You are a three-dimensional person, just like him, and you can start to form relationships like friends–and hopefully more!
- Although you can try this technique before or after class, usually lecturers don't have much time to mingle and chat. Office hours also provide the luxury of privacy.

Step 2. Show the cue
If you don't have a lot of guts, you may not be able to seduce your professor directly. Put a small gift and a short letter on his desk. The gift doesn't need to be anything big – maybe just a new ballpoint pen or a cake. In a short letter, write something more than a student would normally tell their professor, for example, "I'm thinking of you. I think this gift will make you happy." It doesn't need to be a declaration of love or an offer to make love, but just something small to show that you see him as more than just a teacher.
- Think about the little things that your teacher really needs. Does he always borrow pens from his students? Give him a ballpoint pen. Is he always tired in class? Offer him coffee. Does he complain about not having enough time to eat? Bring homemade muffins. Thus, you maintain a playful and relaxed feel.
- If he asks for the gift, or even tries to return it, don't be shy. Tell him that you really like him, and that you want him to enjoy the gift.

Step 3. Pay attention to the signal from him
Observe how your teacher interacts with you and with other students. Does he make frequent eye contact with you? Is he friendly and open to your attempts to have a conversation? Does he treat you differently from other students? If he doesn't seem interested, don't force him.

Step 4. “Accidentally” meet him outside of class
This may or may not be possible, but if you can do it, great. Try to find out where he spends his time on weekends or after college. If he often mentions a certain coffee shop near campus, study there. If he says his favorite musician is performing that weekend, buy a ticket. If you intend to seduce him, take extra steps to meet him outside of class.
- This will not only give you the opportunity to be with him and have another chance to show that you are more than just a student, but it will also show him that you and he share the same interests and hobbies.
- Don't be a stalker! If you 'accidentally' meet your professor at a concert, ask him if he wants to come to another/next concert of the same band. If he eats lunch at the same place every day, ask him if you can sit with him.

Step 5. Create an action at the end of the semester
Make an appointment to talk to him after the final scores are collected. Ask him for advice about the next semester of college or applying to a professional school. Try redirecting the conversation to other topics as well. If he's open and you're brave, ask him out for coffee.