You want to wear makeup, but you need parental permission to try it. Frankly, you should be able to explain why you think wearing makeup will do you good. Even so, it is equally important that you consider the concerns of your parents as well. They may worry that you are precocious, but if you present your arguments well, you can get your parents on your side.
Part 1 of 2: Explaining Why You Want to Wear Makeup

Step 1. Choose the right time to talk about it
Don't start talking about makeup when your parents are busy or in a bad mood. Wait until their mood is open and approachable to lift your urge to start wearing makeup. Make sure they have enough time to have a long conversation with you at that time. If you talk to them at bad times more than once, your parents may start to feel like you're nagging them. It will not help you in winning your argument!

Step 2. Maintain a mature tone of voice
If you act childish, you will only make your parents think that you are not ready to put on makeup. Instead, show how mature and responsible you are. Never raise your voice and try your best not to let your voice sound like a whine. If the argument doesn't go your way, control your emotions instead of crying or screaming.

Step 3. Explain that makeup will cover up your skin problems
Your skin goes through a lot of trouble during your teenage years. Hormonal changes in your body can cause your skin to break out and that can be very irritating. Explain to your parents that make-up isn't just to appeal to young people. Covering up skin problems until you get over them as you get older will make you more comfortable with yourself.

Step 4. Explain how a little make-up will boost your confidence
Research shows that women who view makeup positively feel stronger and more confident when wearing it. You are at a fragile age and self-confidence is very important. Without self-confidence, you may not be able to make the best decisions for yourself. Your parents want the best for you and feeling strong is what you need most.

Step 5. Explain that makeup will help you express yourself
Your parents may think that you want to wear makeup to attract the attention of young people. You have to convince them that you want to wear makeup to express yourself, not to suit the tastes of men. Just like clothes and hairstyles, makeup tells everyone around you – boys and girls, young and old – something about who you are. Dressing up is about sharing something about yourself with the world. You do it for yourself not for the men.
- Makeup is only one aspect of your overall image. Encourage your parents to see it as part of who you really are, not as the only defining feature.
- You are at a time in your life when self-expression is very important to you. You're trying to find out who you are! Try to persuade your parents that a little makeup will help you explore who you are.

Step 6. Give parents rational reasons for how useful makeup skills are
Whether it's wrong or right, but society judges women from their appearance. Being able to wear makeup properly will help you succeed in the professional world as an adult. Adolescence is a time for you to hone the skills you will need in the future. You have to make mistakes like smearing your eyeliner or wearing unflattering colors at a young age, when the risk is still low. You definitely don't want to make these mistakes as an adult, when your appearance already has more real-world consequences.
Part 2 of 2: Coping With Your Parents' Worries

Step 1. Ask them to explain their concerns
Don't just listen to your parents' opinion - actively seek their input in the decision. The more you understand why they don't want you to wear makeup, the better you can deal with their concerns.
- "I already know why I thought makeup would make me feel better. Why did mom and dad think makeup would be a bad thing for me?"
- Pay close attention to what they have to say and try to address any of their concerns directly.

Step 2. Start little by little first
Your parents may be afraid that you will turn from their beloved little girl into a grown woman in one night. Relieve those worries by starting things slowly.
- Say that you want to start by wearing only concealer and blush to hide your pimples.
- You can ask for more concessions each year, as you get older. After a year, ask if you can add eye shadow or eyeliner to your makeup line.

Step 3. Only ask for makeup that is appropriate for your age
If your parents are afraid that you're trying to grow up too fast, they could be right. Think how weird your mom would look if she wore pink lipstick and blue nail polish! She looks beautiful wearing make-up because she wears make-up according to her age. Explain to your parents that you will do the same.
- Ask for a subtle lip balm or lip gloss instead of a sexy dark red lipstick.
- Keep all the makeup on your face light and natural looking. You want to enhance your natural beauty, not change your face. Maybelline Baby Lips is a great tinted lip balm to start with.

Step 4. Negotiate an agreement with your parents
You don't want your parents to think you're expecting something without putting any effort into it. Be prepared to give them something they want in exchange for your privilege to wear makeup. Some examples include:
- You can only wear make-up as long as your grades in school are good.
- You will be doing additional weekly homework.

Step 5. Create an experience that bonds you with your parents through make-up
Make-up doesn't have to mean that you grow up and move away from your parents. Makeup can even bring you closer to them! Head to your local Sephora/makeup shop or watch Youtube tutorials with your mom. You can look at the available products and find out what your parents accept and don't. Youtube tutorials will give you a clear idea of what makeup looks are appropriate and what aren't. Going to the store also allows you to build a relationship with your parents to help you find products that meet your wishes and your parents' rules. Invite your mom to go with you the first time so she can teach you how to choose makeup. When you get home, ask him to help you practice how to put it on.
- Ask her for advice on how to match your makeup to your skin tone.
- Listen to his advice on what colors he thinks would look good on you.
- Don't forget to maintain a good attitude at all times. By making makeup fun for your mom, you increase the chances that she will allow you to wear it more often.
- Wear makeup that looks more natural than dramatic, especially at a young age.
- Calm down. If your parents say no the first time, accept it. Meanwhile, in your free time, think of ways to persuade them to let you wear makeup.
- Do not exaggerate; your parents will think you have abused the privilege and will ban you so you can't wear makeup.
- Put on a little makeup, with a little concealer and powder, maybe a light blush. Always apply a thin layer because wearing too much makeup can clog skin pores and cause breakouts.
- Don't wear anything too bright and bold, your parents might reconsider their decision.
- Start with something simple and less extreme like a lip gloss.
- There is no right age to start wearing makeup. Some people think 13 or 14 is the right age, while others think it's too young. You may need to wait until the age of 15 or 16 to seriously ask about makeup.
- If your lips tend to be redder than usual, apply a small amount of foundation on your fingers and apply a thin layer of lip gloss like lip gloss. Make sure the foundation is not too thick. Then remove a little and apply a little compact powder by patting. Followed by a series of using your lip gloss. The resulting effect is a very natural yet attractive look.
- If you are at a young age (usually before you start getting pimples) you really MUST stay away from products like foundation and concealer. Makeup can actually make your breakouts premature. Start with something like a little mascara, and wash your face thoroughly. This will make you look more beautiful, without the need for makeup;)
- Petroleum jelly is especially useful for teens whose parents don't allow them to wear makeup. Apply petroleum jelly to your lashes like mascara and your lashes will appear longer. There are also simple tutorials on Youtube and the internet that will allow you to turn petroleum jelly into a lip balm or cream blush.